
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Cameroon-Empowering Students In Buea:

Fongoh & Partners Real Estate Offers Holiday jobs

 To Students To Boost Their Lot

Fongoh V.Tekang ( backing Camera) ,CEO of Fongoh and partners awarding  a prize to one of the  best workers

By Zifac Fatima

Conscious of his corporate social responsibility, Fongoh Valentine Tekang, CEO of Fongoh and Partners Real Estate Solutions in Buea , has put a smile on the faces of about 40 students  in Buea by paying handsome wages  to them for work they did for the company during the long vacation .
The holiday workers  each earned  ranging from  80,000-100,000 Fcfa.

The  company had employed the students to enable them gain some work experience, develop a work culture and earn some money that would improve  their financial situation as they prepare for school resumption scheduled for early September.

In a ceremony , last  August 28,marking the end of the holiday job in Buea , the CEO expressed satisfaction that the  initiative was  successful and had impacted positively on the lives of the student workers, by keeping them usefully occupied during thee long vacation.

FONGOH and Partners Real Estate Solutions, located in Bonduma-Buea was created  in 2018  and now a new branch  in Ashong Batibo,Momo Division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon.

 This real estate company offers a range of services including: Buying and selling of landed properties, real estate consulting, valuation, development, marketing, coordination and investment services; agriculture, animal husbandry, crop cultivation, oil palm cultivation and milling ;and other farm activities.

The students, who worked on the company's farm   received free transportation  to and from the their sites and were served  food  throughout the work period. 

 In his remarks, Atakung Richard, manager of Fongoh and Partners, said in spite of  initial challenges to  assemble the job applicants children ,the company's field workers and the entire team of Fongoh and Partners, ensures that the program went according to plan.

 “Surprisingly, managing the children wasn’t too challenging  because they followed instructions,” noted Atakung . He said the gesture would have a lasting impact on the children, especially those who were self-sponsored ,for  they would  be able to focus in class without worrying about school needs.

It emerged that by providing a nurturing environment, Fongoh Valentine aimed to help students develop essential skills, build confidence and gain practical experience. This initiative demonstrates Fongoh’s commitment to investing in the future of young people and contributing to the community’s wellbeing. 

Speaking to the press, CEO Fongoh  explained :

"Our society is filled with negative activities involving youths, so I thought it necessary to get some of them productively busy, enabling them to assist their parents with back-to-school preparations." 

He added, "This initiative also provided an opportunity for them to learn and gain skills through jobs like clearing, pruning, picking palm fruits, and feeding pigs which they all did with joy."

The CEO noted that this was the first edition of the program, which saw 35 students participate. He disclosed  plans to employ some of the students who will graduate from university next year and  promised  to double or triple the number of participants in the next edition.

Fongoh noted that they met their objectives of gathering the students, as they sailed through the program without biting  challenges.

 "They were committed, hardworking, and satisfied at the end of it all. We are proud to have made a positive impact on their lives and look forward to continuing our support for their growth and development," he said .

To motivate and reward the outstanding performance of some of the students, Fongoh Valentine presented special envelopes containing cash prizes to the   three best workers. 

He also surprised his best Worker, Ngwa Faithfulness, with a beautiful announcement :

“As our top performer, I am pleased to promise that I will take care of your school fees and needs for the next academic year”, he declared.

The students beamed with joy, expressed gratitude for the opportunity, citing the benefits of hands-on learning, teamwork and mentorship.  

The student-workers pose for the camera.

Ngwa Faithfulness, a secondary school  prospective Form 5 student , shared his experiences with the press. 

"My two months at Fongoh and Partners have been a lesson learned in cooperation, working with people of different ages and backgrounds. I acquired new farming skills, like pruning palm and plantain trees, and learned about necessary agricultural products used in planting and these skills will go a long way to help me especially with assisting my mother in the farm”.  He said the back-to-school support is a huge relief for him and his mother, as he was struggling to fund his education. “It is not easy to work for somebody for just two months and then the person promises to take care of all your school needs for the next academic year, words alone are not enough to thank such a person” Ngwa appreciated.

Company staff  in family photo during the ceremony,

Another worker, Binui Bernice Asongwe, a final year student in the University of Buea, also expressed her gratitude: "This opportunity taught me new farming techniques, like oil milling and nurturing plantain seedlings. I can apply these skills to grow my own crops and generate income." 

Parents and guardians also appreciated the CEO's kindness, acknowledging the positive impact on their children's lives. 

Mbah Walters, a parent whose two children participated in the program, cited benefits  got like hands-on learning, teamwork, and mentorship. He said not only did the children learn valuable skills but they also earned money to support their education.

 “Moreover, they often return home sharing exciting ideas they have learned from Fongoh and partners aside farming, such as how to purchase a land in Buea through the Company’s initiatives” he added

Fongoh's dedication to empowering students serves as a model for other organizations to follow, showcasing the transformative power of supportive partnerships between businesses and communities.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Socialist International: Chantal Kambiwa Does Cameroon Proud Becoming Pioneer General Coordinator

Ms Chantal Kambiwa,Pioneer SI General Coordinator at Douala Press conference

By Christopher Ambe

Ms Chantal Kambiwa, a Cameroonian woman of high socio-political value and former official of Cameroon’s opposition party, the Social Democratic Front (SDF), has done her country proud with her brilliant election as the pioneer General Coordinator of Socialist International (SI).

SI is the worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labour parties. It currently brings together 132 political parties and organizations from all continents, according to official sources.

Kambiwa was elected General Coordinator on 24 February 2024 in Madrid -Spain during a three-day SI Council session. The office of General Coordinator was created the same day she was elected as part of SI reforms.

She was installed same day(February 24) by the SI Council .This Cameroonian She goes in records as  the first Cameroonian and African woman to occupy the coveted office.  

She is the second highest official after the President of the Socialist International, who is now the sitting Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez. 

Upon her return to Cameroon after her election in Madrid, in spite of her busy schedule, Kambiwa convened a press conference on March 6 at Lewat Hotel, Douala ,during which she presented her new office and duties, promising to use her position to promote peace and social justice as well as ameliorate the conditions of women not only in Cameroon but world-wide.

Her duties as  General Coordinator  include organizing and bringing people together to work for the SI mission and the new vision of the SI President.

She told the press of her commitment to focus on the empowerment of women, noting that SI has the Gender Committee to that effect.

According to her, having women in good positions facilitate the search for solutions to problems.

Ms. Chantal Kambiwa (middle) flanked by admirers at Douala Press conference

 “Women have an important role to play in the promotion of peace. In Cameroon like elsewhere peace is pivotal to development and as a Cameroonian woman occupying this post, every time there is a possibility to help [promote] peace in my country, I will do so,” kambiwa pointed out.

“My election to this post was a pleasant surprise to me and an honor to my country, Cameroon-and Africa,” she said, noting that of the 54 political parties present at the council meeting ,51 voted in her favor to assume the office coordinator-general

Reacting to her election as SI General Cordinator to this reporter, emeritus University Distinguished Professor of Law, Ndiva Kofele kale and political mentor of Kambiwa, said:

 “Her election to this history making position, the second highest in the worldwide socialist/social democratic movement, having as her boss Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain, speaks to her hard work ethic. Hard work pays, and those who work hard don't make much noise because their work speaks for them.”

Kale, a former SDF strategist, recalled that Kambiwa’s involvement with the SI dates back to November 1999 when she was part of the SDF delegation led by Chairman John Fru Ndi to the Paris SI Congress where the SDF was officially admitted as a Full member of the Socialist International!

Kale who was part of the delegation to the Paris SI congress was then Fru Ndi’s able and trusted External Affairs man. It would be recalled  that Kale was in charge of SDF foreign relations (unofficially) from 1996-1999 and officially from 1999-2006.

When Kambiwa was designated as the SDF party's representative to the Socialist International Women (sister organ, to the SI), she rose through the ranks of SIW and in 2003 was elected one of its vice presidents.

 Kambiwa is the daughter of Mr Wandji Nkuimy, first Minister of Finance from Nde Division in Ahmadou Ahidjo's Republic of Cameroon government.

 She has been a militant of the SDF from the early 90s and served as Vice Chairman of the Littoral Province under provincial Chairman the emblematic Dr. Nja Kwa.

Kale recalled: “Kambiwa militated in party politics alongside her mother, Mabatgoup Rose Wandji Nkuimy, who was herself a firebrand militant and leader of the W/CPDM in Douala, resisting all efforts to drag her into the CPDM!

“Such has been her sense of purpose, focus, strong convictions, and unshakeable commitment to the principles and values incarnated in the Socialist International and which the SDF swore by in its heyday!”

According to Kale, “As the first African women in this global organization grouping over progressive parties from over 150 countries, her election underscores that competence and merit triumph in organizations that respect the principle of equality opportunity for alL.

“This is one of the foundational principles of the SDF and was a slogan that attracted the wretched of our earth to its fold but now is practiced more in the breach.”

The emeritus University Distinguished Professor of law and sharp critic of political mediocrity, was emphatic:

Cross section of journalists at the Douala press conference organised by Chantal Kambiwa

 “Kambiwa is a shiny example of the SDF’s abandonment of this foundational principle when it expelled her and 33 other senior party officials, less than a year ago, because they were demanding that the democratic rights--enshrined in the Constitution of Cameroon, sworn to by the Founding Fathers of the Party and embodied in the charter statutes of the SI (an organization they struggled so hard and over so many years to become a member) be respected.”

Should SDF take credit for Kambiwa’s rise?

Some political pundits think that the SDF should not take credit for Kambiwa’s elevation to the post of coordinator General of SI.

According to a Cameroonian political pundit who chose not to be named, “In its haste to cashier her from the only party she’s ever militated, the SDF, the first party from Cameroon to become a full member of the SI,the SDF cannot now share in this glorious and history-making victory !”


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Cameroon : Ndofoa Njoya is new SW ELECAM Delegate.

Dr. Essousse(right) congratulating the new SW ELECAM Boss

 By Zifac Fatima

The new South West Regional Delegate of Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), Zofoa Njoya Sake, was installed on March 5, 2024 at Mountain Hotel, Buea by the Director General of ELECAM, Dr. Essousse Erik.

Zofoa Njoya, formerly the North West Regional Delegate of ELECAM, replaced Divine Mukoto Mewanu who is now on retirement.

The Director General, in his installation speech, said the outgone Delegate was recruited into ELECAM in 2010 shortly after it went operational and served as South West Regional Delegate for ELECAM since 2020 until his retirement on March 2, 2024; that he served for over 40 years in top ranking positions in Cameroon. The Director General congratulated him for such a brilliant career over the years and wished him a fantastic retirement.

Dr. Essousse described Zofoa Njoya Sake as a responsible Man who began his career in the North West Region and is now in the South West.

Zofoa Njoya 51, was born in Babungo; he is married and a father of seven children.

Zofoa Njoya started his elections career since 2004 with the National Elections Observatory (NEO) as President of NEO in Babessi Subdivision from 2004-2007.

He joined ELECAM in 2010 as a kit operator in Babessi Subdivision, Ngoketunja Division, North West Region where he worked until 2018. That same year, he was promoted to Communal Branch Head, still in Ako Subdivision in Donga Mantung Division where he served till 2021.

Zofoa Njoya was later appointed North West Regional Delegate of ELECAM in 2022.

The Mayor of Buea, David Mafany Namange in his welcome address, said the presence of the Director General of ELECAM at the installation was eloquent proof of the resolve of the Head of state to uphold the independence of ELECAM, which manages and supervises all elections and referendum operations in Cameroon.

The Mayor appreciated Mewanu for having left a positive impact on elections-related activities in the South West despite the security concerns in parts of the Region.

Namange welcomed Zofoa to Buea “Town of legendary hospitality” in particular and to the South West Region as a whole. He hoped that Zofoa would succeed in his key mission of steering the activities of ELECAM in the South West given his wealth of experience.

The Mayor assured the new delegate of his collaboration in the discharge of the latter’s challenging duties.

It is worthy of note that Zofoa Njoya was recognised as the most resilient and most committed Regional Delegate of the elections management body for the year 2023. He got the winning prize at the 20th edition of the National press awards of Excellence.

Cross-section attendees at  installation of the new SW ELECAM Delegate

Talking to the Press Director General urged Ndofoa Njoya to continue with the good work his predecessor did in the South West Region by sensitizing the population on voter registration and also to manage the ELECAM property as well as perform his other job duties.

Dr. Essousse also urged the population especially the young people to register massively on the electoral list as the elections draw near. He called on the Media to sensitize the population on the importance of Voter registration.

Ndofoa Njoya on his part, thanked the Board Chairman of ELECAM, Enow Abram and the Director General of ELECAM for his new functions. He called on his collaborators to give him the same support which helped him succeed in the North West.

He vowed to call on Cameroonians aged 20 and above to enroll on the electoral register in order to wisely choose their political leaders.


Monday, February 26, 2024

2024 Mt Cameroon Race: Winning Excitement Subsides After Athlete Dies

By Zifac Fatima

The 29th edition of  Mt Cameroon Race of Hope which took place in Buea, South West region of Cameroon  on 24th February 2024 under the theme “Let’s give peace a chance” culminated in two  Cameroonians of  Northwest origin emerging  champions: Elvis Nsabinla in  the Senior Men’s category and Adamu Irene in the Senior Women’s category.

Nsabinla who crossed the finish line in 4hours,45minutes was awarded 10million Francs CFA; the second, Amadou Abdou, made it in 4hours, 47minutes smiling home with 7million Francs CFA and Saidu Nuhu who came 3rd in 4hours 49minutes got 5million Francs CFA.

Mt. Cameroon is the highest Mountain in West and Central Africa, measuring 4095metres. But the race course is 38km, starting from the Buea Molyko Omnisport stadium to the summit and back

The first three in the senior women’s category were awarded the same prizes, respectfully, as winners of the senior men’s category.

The first was Adamu Irine Kwaha who finished in 5hours, 36minutes, followed by Tumi Macrina Yiinyuy in 5hours, 30minutes and Ngalim Lizette who came 3rd in 5hours, 30 minutes.

Orange Cameroon was the major and official sponsor.  Other sponsors included: Madiba water, PMUC, Prudential Beneficial insurance, Biaka University Institute of Buea which also encouraged winners with prizes.

The excitement that greeted the atmosphere with the arrival of race champions died down when news broke out that 32-year-old Kenyan Athlete, Charles Kipsang had collapsed shortly after crossing the finish line and died when rushed to the Buea regional hospital.

The race proper was preceded by a launch on 23rd of February at the Molyko Omnisport stadium Buea, presided over by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Professor Narcisse Mouelle Kombi. Other dignitaries who attended the launch included; the President of Cameroon Athletic Federation, Motombi Emmanuel Mbome; South West Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai, the president of the South West Regional Assembly, Bakoma Elango Zacheus; the Mayor of Buea, Barrister David Mafany Namange and the Paramount chief of Buea, HRM Chief Robert Esuka.

The Mayor, in his welcome address, wished that the god of Mt. Fako Efasa-Moto should guide and protect the athletes before and after the race. “You should know that even though your goal is to emerge victorious you should not lose sight of the Olympic spirit of fair play”, the mayor told the athletes.

On his part, President Motombi expressed joy with the massive attendance and participation of Cameroonians and foreigners.

He also acknowledged Jakai George, one of the competitors who has resolutely taken part in the race since its inception in 1973.

Biaka University Institute at this moment, gave Jakai George a package and also offered to give him free medical services at the Biaka hospital as long as he lives. “Just as Cars need Maintenance to run, the human body also needs maintenance to function properly that’s is why we (the Biaka Hospital) are offering you free medical services for as long as you live” Madam Biaka told Jakai George.

Minister Mouelle Kombi expressed his gratitude to all personalities who graced the ceremony. He said sports promotes peace and dialogue amongst individuals and nations, that is why the race is proudly encouraged by the state of Cameroon.

The minister reassured participants of their security and a fair competition.

This year’s race recorded the participation of more than 600 Athletes from Cameroon, Central Africa, Republic of Chad, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, France, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.

The 2024 Mount Cameroon Race of Hope:Takeoff from Molyko Stadium

Talking to the press shortly after race, Tumi Macrina said she did not face any difficulty during the race but expressed a little disappointment coming in the second position because she was leading the race before she was overtaken by Adamu Irine.

Ngalim Lizette on the other hand said the race was quiet challenging “the fear I had about the crisis also made me weak and the cold weather also affected me” Ngalim told the press.

The event was entertaining with a lot traditional dance interludes from cultural groups and a fashion display, which crowned Abigail Fondop as the 2024 Miss Mount Cameroon Race of hope.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Globus Education Systems :Renowned CBC Pastor Becomes New Director of Educational Development

 By Christopher Ambe

Rev. Dr. Bapmu Patrick Serim
Globus Education Systems (GES), a leading educational company with headquarters in Yaounde-Cameroon, has announced the appointment of Rev. Dr. Bapmu Patrick Serim as its new Director of Education Development

Rev. Dr. Bapmu is a clergyman of th
e Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC)

He holds a PhD in Theology from Triune Biblical University, USA and has twenty-eight (28) years of extensive working experience.

Prior to joining GES, Rev. Dr. Bapmu served as National Secretary for the Council of Protestant Churches in Cameroon and during his tenure in office he championed several educational initiatives that received widespread acclaim.

Rev. Dr. Bapmu is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Cameroon GCE Board and an assessor of Religious Studies. He has also taught in renowned institutions like BHS Buea, BHS Mankon, CBTS Kumba, CBTS Ndu, MBTS Gembu Nigeria and BTTC Ndop.

According to Macellous Mbameg, Managing Director of Globus Education Systems:

“The appointment of Rev. Dr. Bapmu aligns with GES' commitment towards delivering personalized and inclusive and affordable educational solutions.

“By leveraging his expertise, Rev. Dr. Bapmu will work closely with the existing team to identify areas for improvement, develop new content categories, and establish strategic partnerships with educational institutions.

“We count it a blessing to welcome Rev. Dr. Bapmu amongst our staff. We look towards the future for an improved holistic service to the people.”

About GES

GES is a leading provider of educational solutions, dedicated to transforming education through innovative programs, products, and services. With a focus on Direct admissions, Scholarships, Vocational Trainings and Direct Jobs. GES empowers students, educators, and institutions to achieve their full potential.

GES represents the following countries:

Canada, USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Poland, China, India, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Lithuania, Romania, Ireland, Guyana, Antigua, France, Switzerland, Malaysia

Friday, November 10, 2023

Cameroon: Fongoh & Partners Real Estate -Buea

Appropriate Solution to Landed Propriety Problems 

Fongoh Valentine,CEO, Fongoh &Partners Real Estate Company,Buea

By Christopher Ambe  and  Zifac Fatima

Recently ,Buea, capital city of the South West region has been identified by experts as one of the fastest growing cities in Cameroon.

Magnificent and towering structures are sprouting up every day as investors at home and from the Diaspora struggle for landed property for profitable investments.

This has made real estate not only a highly profitable but also a high-risk venture. Cases of unscrupulous and shady land deals abound resulting in never-ending litigations in court.

Faced with the situation, some young Cameroonians have created a real estate company-FONGOH AND PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS to legally and officially serve as real estate agents in Buea.

With a financial capital of hundreds of millions of FCFA the company is developing fast and gaining ground.

Africa Excellence magazine caught up with the young CEO of the company, Fongoh Valentine Tekang, 38, who is a graduate of the University of Buea.

In an exclusive interview with AFRICA EXCELLENCE, the CEO explains how and why the company was founded and how it is faring.

Read on:

There are many real estate agents and institutions in the Town of Legendary Hospitality, but the one that has become a household name in Buea is FONGOH and Partners Real Estate Solutions, located in Bonduma-Buea

As the name suggests FONGOH AND PARTNERS provides genuine solutions to people who face real estate problems and approach them.

Company's surveyors at work

 In an exclusive Interview with AFRICA EXCELLENCE magazine, Fongoh Valentine Tekang, CEO of FONGOH AND PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS, walked us through the creation of the company and how it has distinguished itself from other competitors in the domain.

Fongoh Valentine, 38, disclosed that he worked as a real estate agent in Buea for eight years and realized how lucrative the business was, and as such he could not resist an inner voice in him urging the creation of a real estate company.

“I was a real estate agent for eight years. It was lucrative and that influenced me to start my own business”, he said, noting that FONGOH & PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS was incorporated in 2021, even as it was conceived in 2019.

Fongoh expressed happiness that his company, which has partners at home and abroad, already has   about 30 workers and hoped to employ more in the near future.

Citing as one of the achievements of FONGOH AND PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS, the CEO said, “We have been able to solve the problems that people who bought land in the past used to have; initially, people used to buy landed property bedeviled by   problems. But we have been able to solve that. Apart from that, we have been able to create some farm-to-market roads due to our activities.

“Wherever we buy, we open roads; in the course of opening roads we provide roads that farmers use to transport their products.”

Corporate Social Responsibility.

Although a young company, Fongoh disclosed that FONGOH AND PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS is conscious of and is performing its corporate social responsibility.

For example, mindful of the water crisis in Buea subdivision Fongoh disclosed: “We have been able to provide bore holes to some villages in Buea subdivision. We have earmarked ten (10) bore holes, out of which we have already drilled five.

“One bore hole within the Bonavanda area is very expensive costing about 4.5 million Fcfa because water is not easy to be found there.

“We dug a borehole in Bokwai, one in Bwitingi, two in Bonakanda and one in Lyongo, a village in between Bokwai and Bova.”

One of the company's buildings near completions
Battling Real Estate Challenges

Like in other activities, the real estate business has its challenges. But with a positive mindset and determination, all challenges are quickly overcome.

Fongoh admitted that there are many challenges dealing with land:

“Sometimes, you don't get the information you need; people give you information contrary to what is on the ground. Sometimes we meet people who sell land that doesn't belong to them; we also have problems in the course of developing the land like opening up of roads.

“I don't know why people don't understand that to open road is a good thing. We have to spend a lot of money before providing roads to some plots.”

 Success Secret

 Although many people are engaged in real estate, not all can boast of succeeding. But the CEO of FONGOH AND PARTNERS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS told AFRICA EXCELLENCE his company is hitting the mark.

“Well our success secret is honesty. We don’t allow an applicant buy land that is problematic. Even if you come and buy land from us and we come to realize that the said piece of land has a problem we relocate you elsewhere; but if you don't want to be relocated, we have a capital of above 350 million FCFA and we can guarantee the reimbursement of your money.

“I would like to state here that before we buy any land, we carry out our investigations from the village level right up to the Delegation in charge of land matters; at the village, we meet the chiefs to make assurance doubly sure before we buy to avoid future problems”

Fongoh said he has cordial relationship with other people in Buea dealing in real estate but quickly added that  “as at now the only office that is well established is ours”, noting that  some of those selling land are “mobile and don’t have a steady place where they do this”.

Grass-to-Grace Status

 If Fongoh is today said to be a shaker and mover in real estate business, it is not because he got some inheritance from the parents that paved his way to prominence. It is his hard work and determination to brave the odds and succeed.

“Actually, I was brought up by a single mother; my father died when I was still young and I saw how she toiled to sponsor me.

“There were times when she used to go to my primary school, begging to pay   250 Fcfa [as part of my school fees] for the teacher to allow me in class.

“Indeed, I passed through very rough times and when the Almighty God later on blessed me I made philanthropy my policy; so I always extend my generosity to the less-privileged.

“For example, for this 2023/24 academic year I have allocated 2.5 million Fcfa to assist some needy pupils and students pay their school fees.

 Philanthropic Activities.

“I also sponsor needy persons wanting to learn a trade, thereby empowering them with marketable skills.  My assistance is not limited to people from my village or tribe but is extended to the general public. I assist in paying house rents for some students, school fees etc.

“If I discover that you are sincerely in need and lack the means I extend my generosity to you,” Fongoh told AFRICA EXCELLENCE, noting  that  sometimes he himself scouts around for the needy  and at other times  he publicly announces  his  readiness and availability to help  via groups and social media platforms.

“I have given assistance to about 200 less-privileged people “

Farming is Profitable

Before becoming a real estate broker, Fongoh engaged in commercial farming and even now that he is CEO of Fongoh and Partners, he still does farming.

He urges those interested in farming to do commercial farming and employ workers “Because if they want to work alone they may not derive huge profits”, he pointed.

Wife’s Contribution

Mrs. Fongoh Chanceline Mbinja is the wife of Fongoh and they are blessed with four children. According to Fongoh, his wife who is also business-inclined is a booster to his efforts. “My beloved wife is so supportive of my business and development efforts. I lack words to describe her; in fact, she has contributed a lot through prayers, moral support and otherwise to the business and family progress”, he remarked.

Graduates Should Be Job-Creators.

Many university graduates spend years at home only hoping to be employed by the State or some big corporation instead of trying to be self-reliant.

But Fongoh thought differently upon his graduation from University of Buea.

“In this fast-evolving world, a graduate should think out of the box. The government must not employ every graduate. When I graduated in 2012, I had a serious problem with my family because they wanted me to apply for civil service jobs, but I refused.

“I said I’d rather take the money that I would have used to register public service competitive exams and do business with. They  did not like my decision , but  later on they realized that  my decision was a great one, because I have been sponsoring  my family and even  extended family  members with profits derived from the real estate business.

Fongoh’s Profile

Fongoh Valentine Tekang, now CEO of Fongoh and Partners Real Estate Solutions, Buea, was born some 38 years in Ashong, Batibo, Northwest region of Cameroon.

He got his basic education at CBC Ashong, GS Ngaku-Ashong and Government Practicing School (GPS) Molyko- Buea where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC).

Fongoh lost his father when he was still a child and was lef

CEO Fongoh Valentine
t only with his mother to cater for him. He attended the Musole Evening School and Frankfils Comprehensive School, Great Soppo-Buea where he obtained his GCE Ordinary Level and GCE Advanced Level in three subjects (Literature, History and Philosophy) in 2008 respectively.

A struggling Fongoh would later enroll into the prestigious University of Buea, where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Curriculum Studies and Teaching (History) in 2012.

Upon graduation from University of Buea, he taught for a period of five years at the Holy Child Comprehensive, College Bomaka-Buea; Government High School (GHS) Bolifamba and Baptist High School (BHS) Buea, before deciding to focus on real estate business.

 Couretsy: AFRICA EXCELLENCE MAGAZINE,Cameroon,Edition:September-October 2023


Monday, October 23, 2023

Election-related Conflicts in Africa

By Mwalimu George Ngwane*

Mwalimu George Ngwane
Conflicts during elections, especially at the Presidential level in Africa, have become a special trademark. 
Because of the centralized systems of governance where power, perks and prestige are accumulated at the helm of state, conflicts may occur before, during and after elections depending on the content and context against which they are held.


Some of the major causes of election-related conflicts include the absence of a robust broad-based democratic architecture, a controversial Election Management Body and the lack of a functional conflict management system.  Since Independence but more especially after the reintroduction of multiparty democracy in Africa in the mid-80s, most African countries have failed to institute a democratic dispensation that speaks to the welfare and aspiration of the people. 

 Democratic architectures are informed by how we define them, how we relate them to development, how we respect the supreme law of the land and how political parties effectively play their roles as conduits for people-centred leadership. Elections therefore become problematic or a frivolous exercise in futility when our democratic character (one party, no party or multi-party sytems) fails to recognize the supremacy of public good over private greed. 

 Election Management Bodies have recently become the Achilles’ heel because they are often crafted out of survival instincts than democratic conviction.  

Whatever nomenclature the bodies assume ( Independent Electoral or National Elections ) the fundamental issues such bodies need to address are their membership colouring,how are the members recruited?, who do they serve?, and what authority do the bodies have?.  While it is true that Election bodies as umpires of inter-party elections have always stood out for criticism, little is mentioned of Election bodies as referees of intra-party elections. 

Yet political parties are the laboratories of national leadership and therefore deserve close scrutiny on the caliber of Presidential Aspirants that emanate from such intra-party elections.  Presidential Aspirants from free, fair and transparent intra-party elections enjoy greater credibility, wider support base, and national acclaim than ‘natural’ or ‘routine’ candidates who virtually manoeuvre themselves or are foisted on the electorate.  While solid democratic structures and neutral Election bodies may prevent or minimize nascent election conflicts, conflict management systems are often established to regulate or resolve conflicts before they escalate into violence or war. 

 Conflict management systems either in the form of early warning signals or mechanisms that encompass post-electoral justice must be equipped with non-violent avenues that can speedily and dispassionately address and redress election litigations.  Indeed robust democratic architectures and state-centred Election bodies are first and foremost institutionalized conflict management systems.  But when they fail to prevent conflict at a latent stage and once the conflict becomes open, the conflictual parties rely on an Independent judiciary, a human-face law and order force and a non-partisan International community as the last line of defence.


Election conflicts often manifest on a psychological and physical level.  Some of the features of psychological conflict are the warped composition of the election body, the disenfranchisement policy that excludes real or imaginary opponents, Draconian conditions for Independent candidates, biased and incendiary media, inflammatory political rhetoric or diatribe, and an election calendar that is shrouded in secrecy. 

 Because most of these features are perpetrated by systems in power that tend to favour the ruling or incumbent power elite and which in turn has captured the state machinery, psychological conflicts tend to be called systemic, institutionalized ,state or structural election conflicts. 

The second level of election conflict is the physical and it is often a response to the psychological and quite often readily transforms into physical violence.  Voter apathy is the first, albeit, the mildest form of physical conflict as the anguish, frustratation and even violence is personalised and internalised.  Before elections, physical conflict or violence is witnessed in the tearing of opponent party gadgets (posters, manifestoes, flyers etc), confrontations and riots during election campaigns, kidnapping and assassination of political opponents. 

 During elections, violence is evident when confrontations arise against ambulant voters and election thugs (multiple voting, stuffing and carting of ballot boxes), bribery of opponent party election officials, lack of indelible ink, meddling of  partisan government officials in the elections, unscientific comments by national and international observers and the contentious compilation and early reading of vote tallies. 

All of these come to a climax after elections when the results proclaimed are perceived or seen to be flawed whether in favour of the ruling or incumbent party as it was in Kenya in 2008 or in favour of the opposition party as it was in Ivory Coast in 2010. 

 Physical conflict or violence is always spontaneous, grave and protracted with arson, looting, civil disobedience and mass indiscriminate killings taking the toll and civil war, internal displaced persons and refugees being the worst scenarios.

Conflict to Violence

Why can Africans not solve their election related-conflicts peacefully?  Election-related violence accrues from proximate causal factors and pent-up causal factors. Proximate factors are those that relate directly to election flaws especially as our democratic game is based on the winner-takes-it-all.  And that is the reason for a national constitution that limits the mandate of a President.

 Such a constitution for term restriction attenuates the level of violence because it gives hope to the aggrieved party or electorate that there is a time frame for the fraudulent leader to exercise power that was not given to him or her by the people.  

The aggrieved takes consolation in waiting for the end of the term of mandate.  Violence also results from the absence of a conflict management outfit that neither enjoys trust, faith or legitimacy. 

 A Judiciary system in what ever name that identifies overtly with the incumbent elite can never be seen to dispense of arbitration that would be free and fair; a trigger-happy and gun-totting army that responds with high handed brutality against a peaceful demonstration can only make a bad situation worse; a demonstration of stone pelters and sadist arsons can only be met with further violence.  Be it as it may, until the concept of peaceful demonstrations with the guidance of a community army is embedded in our state security psyche, post-election violence shall continue to see blood letting and structural destruction.  Finally proximate factor occurs when external forces use their diplomatic and military prowess to influence the outcome of elections of a sovereign country simply because their political and economic interests are at stake.  

Pent-up causal factors on the other hand, are deep rooted causes that may not be directly related to election flaws but emerge during election periods as a conveyor belt for other suppressed grievances.  Some of the pent-up features include horizontal and vertical inequalities, youth frustration due to unemployment and the capture of every facet of opportunity by a gerocrantic cabal, couched army power ambitions, constitutional tinkering, identity-based discrimination and the lack of non-traditional security issues. 

 Pent-up causal factors can also be as a result of a mere hunger for change or a symbolic alternation of power.  So the tenacity syndrome or elongation of tenure in office through constitutional panel-beating or flawed elections can give rise to an individual being demonized as it is the case of a dozen African Heads of state who have counted more than two decades in office and have no desire to quit or an ethnic group whose grip of power has transformed other ethnic groups into expendable electoral material. 

 Whether the elections are free or flawed, the electorate simply needs a change even if in some cases the change only enlarges access to the ‘national cake’ rather than deepening the democratic space.


Election-related conflicts lead to social dislocation, a breach of trust between leaders and the people, a crisis of legitimacy of the foisted officials, an absence of faith in periodic elections as the elections are seen more as the politician’s election rather than the people’s election, the emergence of a nonchalant citizenry that divorces itself from nation building, a resignation to fate rather than hard work, a brain drain, a loss of patriotism, a lack of focus in social and political policies, the entrenchment of an authoritarian system, military interventions, and an unconduisive economic setting that scares domestic and foreign investments.


 Nonetheless there is empirical evidence to show that not all election conflict is negative.  In some societies it serves as a reminder of the potency and relevance of people power and a valuable disposal mechanism for garbage politicians.  In other cases it serves as a maternity for the birth of a new society with new citizen-bonding, new visions and reenergized hopes and aspirations.  Therefore as long as peaceful avenues for settling disputes are plugged, election-related conflicts shall continue to manifest themselves in diverse manner and magnitude and our safety valve or damage control should be for a critical mass of state and non-state actors as well as non-partisan external forces to be sensitive, responsive and gain entry points to the causes and manifestations of election-related conflicts in Africa.

 *Mwalimu George Ngwane is author of the book “Settling Disputes in Africa” and this article culled from was written in 2011.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Cameroon's MND Recommendations:PM Says Gov’t Actions Minimizing Effects of Anglophone Crisis.

By Christopher Ambe

The implementation of recommendations of the Major National Dialogue (MND) of Cameroon that took place from September 30-October 4, 2019 in Yaounde   is going according to plan despite some challenges.

Prime Minister, Chief Dr.Joseph Dion Ngute (middle) talking to reporters after the session

The MND recommendations are intended “to restore growth and productivity and to reverse the negative economic impact of the Anglophone crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions”- and they are yielding fruits, the country’s Prime Minister, Chief Dr.Joseph Dion Ngute, has declared.

Dion Ngute, who had chaired the MND on behalf of the Head of State, President Paul Biya and in March 2020 was appointed by the latter as Chairman of the committee to follow up the implementation of its recommendations, on August 11, 2023 in Buea, expressed satisfaction that Government’s plan of action to minimize the negative impact of the crisis was succeeding and called for more collective efforts.

The crisis erupted in 2016 as teachers of Cameroon’s English subsystem of education and the country’s common law advocates staged peaceful protests over corporate demands.

The protests later turned violent and deadly: over 4000 people have reportedly died because of the crisis and property worth billions of FCFA destroyed. Over 40 thousand Cameroonians are asylum seekers in Nigeria and tens of thousands of citizens are internally displaced.

The crisis has badly hit the economies of the Northwest and Southwest regions. In the Southwest region, for example, two giant agro-industrial companies PAMOL Ltd and CDC are barely recovering as thousands of their workers have been rendered jobless.

But President Pual Biya in his December 2019 end-of-year address to the nation said the MND “will, in line with our Constitution, enable us to seek ways and means of meeting the profound aspirations of the people of the North-West and South-West Regions, but also of all the other components of our Nation.”

The MND recommendations included : the reconstruction and development  of the conflict-affected areas; the granting of special status to the NW and SW regions with regards to decentralization and local developmet;the promotion of  bilingualism, cultural diversity and national social cohesion;  educational reforms that integrate the two educational subsystems; judicial reforms that draw inspiration  from  the country’s bi-jural systems; state  ensuring return of refugees and protection of internally displaced people; reform nationality code to allow for multiple nationality and governmental representation of the Diaspora ; ensuring the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants

Premier Dion Ngute was in Buea last August 11 to chair the 5th Session of the Committee to follow-up the implementation of the MND recommendations.

The session took place at Mountain Hotel Buea and was attended among other dignitaries by some government ministers, and the governors of the Northwest and Southwest regions.

The session, which evaluated the implementation level of the recommendations, adopted some resolutions to speed up recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation. 

The committee resolved  to : intensify  the economic recovery measures to consolidate progress already registered in the agro-industrial domain; encouraged the community-based approach to the identification, studies and execution of projects; discouraged self-destructive attitude that has been adopted by the population; called on local authorities and development agencies to work in collaboration with competent government institutions to open-up farm-to-market roads and plantation roads for benefit of small-holder farmers; urged ministries and institutions to take appropriate measures to ensure the signing of further enabling instruments for the complete transfer of powers and resources to the regional and local authorities; implored Regional Assemblies of the Northwest and Southwest regions to explore the  existing legal framework to complement the actions of the state and propose viable development initiatives that promote the people-centered approach to peace and development; The committee called on authorities to explore possible ways of  increasing budgetary allocations to entities involved in social and economic development and activities geared towards improving the livelihoods of the people; they expressed  the need to forge ahead with the ongoing reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure and to continue dialoguing with all stakeholders on the imperatives for  collective efforts to return peace and normalcy; urged stakeholders to reinforce efforts to combat miscommunication and propaganda that institute fear and continue to propagate reports on the prevailing situations in local communities; they called for  the creation, where possible, and particularly in areas  where sporadic and armed violence is  recurrent of specialized military posts to rapidly restore the confidence of plantation workers and local cocoa farmers ; urged participants particularly religious leaders to continue dialogue  and engagements with stakeholders  and their willingness to offer their services to this regard;  they resolved that that it is time for all to help  put an end to wanton  killings  and self-inflicted damage.

It should be noted that the committee’s duties include: follow up the implementation of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue;  issue strategic guidelines for the implementation of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue; order, as and when necessary, the conduct of activities that could contribute to the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue; prescribe any measure aimed at mobilizing Cameroonians at home and abroad to take part in peace building and in the pursuit of the country's development; record opinions and suggestions likely to facilitate the implementation of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue; and  perform any other tasks prescribed by the President of the Republic.

The committee members included: the Chairperson of the National Commission on the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism; the Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaoundé; the Archbishop Emeritus of Douala; the President of the National Youth Council; two (2) representatives of the Roman Catholic Church from the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda; one  representative of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon; one  representative of the Cameroon Baptist Convention; two representatives of the Muslim community based in the North-West and South-West Regions; one representative of women's associations of the North-West and South- West Regions; three representatives of the diaspora; and four  representatives of civil society.