Since the agrarian revolution about 10,000 years ago, man has desired large families, for economic reasons, to cultivate big farms and become rich.
Since the agrarian revolution about 10,000 years ago, man has desired large families, for economic reasons, to cultivate big farms and become rich.
Governments have encouraged large populations for economic, military, security, and social reasons. To do this, individuals resorted to polygamy and large families. Governments enacted laws and encouraged individuals to have many children.
All governments in the “civilized world” have encouraged population growth. The motivations have varied. Governments have been influenced by economic arguments to bolster their work force, so ensuring that the working population was big enough to sustain dependants; they have been persuaded that national defense requires a large pool from which to recruit troops, and they have been seduced by the notion that national greatness is linked to population. The size of the population determined economic growth and military strength.
As the population increased, economic activities and social needs multiplied. More farms were cultivated, more houses built, more roads constructed and bigger armies required to defend the population.
With the rapid growth of the population commercial activities began and increased in the cities and towns. People grew rich. Population growth became an important factor in determining wealth and military strength. Consequently governments treated abortion, manslaughter, euthanasia and murder as serious criminal offences, punishable in some cases with the death
In 1873 the U.S. Congress enacted the “Comstock Law”, which regulated public access to birth control devices, medicines, or information for the next 60 years. It was illegal to distribute any device (condoms etc) medicine or information designed to prevent conception, this was applicable even to physicians. The most notorious policies introduced to boost births rates and population growth, were deployed by totalitarian regimes of far – left and right. Monthly pregnancy tests were conducted to see if women were performing their patriotic duty, and were provided more generous subsidized housing to larger families. Across the Communist block pro-birth policies were applied, including State Child - Care and subsidized goods for children and housing to further encourage reproduction. Fascist regimes went further to introduce tax on bachelors. In Nazi Germany the pro-birth program was ruthless. Information about contraception was suppressed. Unmarried adults faced tax penalties. State Loans were given at weddings, only to be written off when a couple produced children.
In this drive to increase population growth and achieve quick economic development, many atrocities were committed. The dignity of the human person was abused and had reached an epoch in which liberty and justice were denied and the dignity of man was trampled upon in many ways. Africa was drained by the slave trade, there was child/ labor, abuse of women and even genocide wars were used.
Then on the 10th Dec. 1948, the UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (111) adopted and proclaimed the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
The General Assemble proclaims: “THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.”
Article. 3 “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.
The first and most important fundamental human right, and the basis of all human rights, is the RIGHT TO LIFE. Without human beings we cannot talk of human rights.
ABORTION. Abortion is the deliberate killing of a human being after conception and before birth. Miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion) is the accidental death of a human being after conception and before birth. Science and religion agree that human life begins at conception, when the ovum is fertilized by the sperm. In abortion, a human being is deliberately deprived of his/her life. And that is nothing but murder. Abortion is an attack on life itself
The 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the United Nations states that the child “needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.” A principle, which is in keeping with a previous declaration by the World Medical Association to, “maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception.”
The 1966 International Convention on Civil and Political Rights states that “sentence of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women, and that the express intention of this article is inspired by consideration of the interest of the unborn child.”
Abortion is a crime against Natural Law, Abortion is a crime against Divine Positive Law (Thou shall not kill), Abortion is a crime punishable under Cameroon Penal Code, Abortion is a contravention of the UN Charter on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a right of every Human Being to life and to live, Abortion is an abuse of the Rights of the Child. Abortion is against African culture and customs. Abortion is a crime against humanity and cannot be justified.
Last year alone millions of children were killed by abortion, more than all the people killed during the two World Wars, more than the Afghanistan and Iran and Iraque wars put together. More people die by abortion every year than they died during the Slave Trade. More people die by abortion every year than they have died through genocide. More people are killed every day by abortion than by terrorism. More people die from abortion than they die from AIDS or Malaria.
Abortion kills not only unborn children; it destroys constitutional order and the common good, which is assured only when the life of every Human Being is protected. Abortion is the most despicable, callous, heinous and inhuman method of killing. The child is killed by the very persons who are supposed to protect the innocent, harmless child – their parents and doctors. Think of the barbaric and brutal method called “partial-birth abortion”, usually performed in an advance state of pregnancy. It allows a partial delivery before the baby is killed, in some cases using a small hammer or cudgel to crush the skull of the baby while still crying. Yes this is inhumanity of man to man, legalized by some 90 governments of the “civilized World”, signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Every Government in any country in the world has the right, freedom, liberty and duty to rule and carter for the good of its citizens as it thinks fit unless it is in a gross violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or other international Conventions to which it is a signatory.
Last month Hilary Clinton the American Secretary of State appeared before the US House of Representatives in sworn testimony said the following.
Clinton praised Margaret Sanger, the racist and eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood Federation. She compared Sanger to Thomas Jefferson.
Clinton praised the UN Population Fund, the UN agency that helped set up and run the Chinese one child policy which is responsible for millions of horrible coercive abortions.
Clinton said the US would ratify the pro-abortion CEDAW treaty, meaning the last meaningful CEDAW holdout will now fall.
This is an insult to governments and countries all over the world. What right has the American government, to use its full force, to subvert, sabotage, and force Sovereign Governments and States all over the world to change their laws on abortion, to amend their Criminal Codes?
The Cameroon Penal Code on abortion is based on our culture, traditions and customs, our love for children, our believe in the sanctity of life, and our love and fear of God.
Last month at a United State (US) House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stated that there was a new administration in place with different values, beliefs and global agenda. Fine that is for the American people. The global agenda on abortion is not acceptable to Africa and the developing World.
We need our population for our economic development and growth. Africa is poor and underdevelopment because we are under populated.
The average density per sq. km in Europe is 115 people with an average GNP per capital of $23,660, while the average density per sq. km in Africa is 25 people with an average GNP per capita of $637.
Why on earth will Clinton want to force the Developing Countries to reduce their populations by killing their unborn children? Is Europe and America not satisfied with stopping our population growths by pumping trillions of contraceptives, condoms, pills and other abortifacients to the Developing World?. We need our population to grow if we must develop and industrialize and get out of poverty. Europe and America did this in the past, India and China are doing it now. Simplistic as it is, development is by people for people, where there are no people, there is no development.
Madam Hilary Clinton, we followed your work at Cairo+5, Beijing+5, when Mr. Clinton occupied the Oval Office, no body can doubt that you are among the most radical pro-abortion advocates in the world, but please note that the Obama/Clinton Position on Family Planning and Abortion Violates the Cairo Agreement.
Any person who supports abortion, encourages abortion or who commits abortion, or any government which legalizes abortion, is worse than people who commit terrorism, unjust wars or are guilty of genocide. They have no moral right to condemn torture or any crimes against Human Rights.
If America must maintain its leading position in the world and command respect, it must drop its murderous agenda on depopulating the world, through abortion. We reject it and please keep off.
Chief Albert S. Ngwana
National Chairman,
Cardinal Democratic Party,
BP 2401 Bonanjo, Douala, Cameroon
Tel. (237) 7775 7173
Email: ngwanasamba@yahoo.com
CC. The American Ambassador, Yaounde, Cameroon
President Paul Biya, Yaounde, Cameroon.
All Diplomatic Missions to Cameroon,
The UN Secretary General, New York.
The Chairman AU
The Secretary General AU

In 1873 the U.S. Congress enacted the “Comstock Law”, which regulated public access to birth control devices, medicines, or information for the next 60 years. It was illegal to distribute any device (condoms etc) medicine or information designed to prevent conception, this was applicable even to physicians. The most notorious policies introduced to boost births rates and population growth, were deployed by totalitarian regimes of far – left and right. Monthly pregnancy tests were conducted to see if women were performing their patriotic duty, and were provided more generous subsidized housing to larger families. Across the Communist block pro-birth policies were applied, including State Child - Care and subsidized goods for children and housing to further encourage reproduction. Fascist regimes went further to introduce tax on bachelors. In Nazi Germany the pro-birth program was ruthless. Information about contraception was suppressed. Unmarried adults faced tax penalties. State Loans were given at weddings, only to be written off when a couple produced children.
In this drive to increase population growth and achieve quick economic development, many atrocities were committed. The dignity of the human person was abused and had reached an epoch in which liberty and justice were denied and the dignity of man was trampled upon in many ways. Africa was drained by the slave trade, there was child/ labor, abuse of women and even genocide wars were used.
Then on the 10th Dec. 1948, the UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (111) adopted and proclaimed the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
The General Assemble proclaims: “THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.”
Article. 3 “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.
The first and most important fundamental human right, and the basis of all human rights, is the RIGHT TO LIFE. Without human beings we cannot talk of human rights.
ABORTION. Abortion is the deliberate killing of a human being after conception and before birth. Miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion) is the accidental death of a human being after conception and before birth. Science and religion agree that human life begins at conception, when the ovum is fertilized by the sperm. In abortion, a human being is deliberately deprived of his/her life. And that is nothing but murder. Abortion is an attack on life itself
The 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the United Nations states that the child “needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.” A principle, which is in keeping with a previous declaration by the World Medical Association to, “maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception.”
The 1966 International Convention on Civil and Political Rights states that “sentence of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women, and that the express intention of this article is inspired by consideration of the interest of the unborn child.”
Abortion is a crime against Natural Law, Abortion is a crime against Divine Positive Law (Thou shall not kill), Abortion is a crime punishable under Cameroon Penal Code, Abortion is a contravention of the UN Charter on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a right of every Human Being to life and to live, Abortion is an abuse of the Rights of the Child. Abortion is against African culture and customs. Abortion is a crime against humanity and cannot be justified.
Last year alone millions of children were killed by abortion, more than all the people killed during the two World Wars, more than the Afghanistan and Iran and Iraque wars put together. More people die by abortion every year than they died during the Slave Trade. More people die by abortion every year than they have died through genocide. More people are killed every day by abortion than by terrorism. More people die from abortion than they die from AIDS or Malaria.
Abortion kills not only unborn children; it destroys constitutional order and the common good, which is assured only when the life of every Human Being is protected. Abortion is the most despicable, callous, heinous and inhuman method of killing. The child is killed by the very persons who are supposed to protect the innocent, harmless child – their parents and doctors. Think of the barbaric and brutal method called “partial-birth abortion”, usually performed in an advance state of pregnancy. It allows a partial delivery before the baby is killed, in some cases using a small hammer or cudgel to crush the skull of the baby while still crying. Yes this is inhumanity of man to man, legalized by some 90 governments of the “civilized World”, signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Every Government in any country in the world has the right, freedom, liberty and duty to rule and carter for the good of its citizens as it thinks fit unless it is in a gross violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or other international Conventions to which it is a signatory.
Last month Hilary Clinton the American Secretary of State appeared before the US House of Representatives in sworn testimony said the following.
Clinton praised Margaret Sanger, the racist and eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood Federation. She compared Sanger to Thomas Jefferson.
Clinton praised the UN Population Fund, the UN agency that helped set up and run the Chinese one child policy which is responsible for millions of horrible coercive abortions.
Clinton said the US would ratify the pro-abortion CEDAW treaty, meaning the last meaningful CEDAW holdout will now fall.
This is an insult to governments and countries all over the world. What right has the American government, to use its full force, to subvert, sabotage, and force Sovereign Governments and States all over the world to change their laws on abortion, to amend their Criminal Codes?
The Cameroon Penal Code on abortion is based on our culture, traditions and customs, our love for children, our believe in the sanctity of life, and our love and fear of God.
Last month at a United State (US) House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stated that there was a new administration in place with different values, beliefs and global agenda. Fine that is for the American people. The global agenda on abortion is not acceptable to Africa and the developing World.
We need our population for our economic development and growth. Africa is poor and underdevelopment because we are under populated.
The average density per sq. km in Europe is 115 people with an average GNP per capital of $23,660, while the average density per sq. km in Africa is 25 people with an average GNP per capita of $637.
Why on earth will Clinton want to force the Developing Countries to reduce their populations by killing their unborn children? Is Europe and America not satisfied with stopping our population growths by pumping trillions of contraceptives, condoms, pills and other abortifacients to the Developing World?. We need our population to grow if we must develop and industrialize and get out of poverty. Europe and America did this in the past, India and China are doing it now. Simplistic as it is, development is by people for people, where there are no people, there is no development.
Madam Hilary Clinton, we followed your work at Cairo+5, Beijing+5, when Mr. Clinton occupied the Oval Office, no body can doubt that you are among the most radical pro-abortion advocates in the world, but please note that the Obama/Clinton Position on Family Planning and Abortion Violates the Cairo Agreement.
Any person who supports abortion, encourages abortion or who commits abortion, or any government which legalizes abortion, is worse than people who commit terrorism, unjust wars or are guilty of genocide. They have no moral right to condemn torture or any crimes against Human Rights.
If America must maintain its leading position in the world and command respect, it must drop its murderous agenda on depopulating the world, through abortion. We reject it and please keep off.
Chief Albert S. Ngwana
National Chairman,
Cardinal Democratic Party,
BP 2401 Bonanjo, Douala, Cameroon
Tel. (237) 7775 7173
Email: ngwanasamba@yahoo.com
CC. The American Ambassador, Yaounde, Cameroon
President Paul Biya, Yaounde, Cameroon.
All Diplomatic Missions to Cameroon,
The UN Secretary General, New York.
The Chairman AU
The Secretary General AU
NB: The Letter was written on 6/5/09