Chief A.S. Ngwana,Chairman of Cardinal Democratic Party(CDP),and a noted Human Rights Crusader ,has spoken out strongly against the legalisation of abortion,homosexuality and other abominations.
At a well-attended Press Conference this morning in Douala,Cameroon,Chief Ngwana insisted that abortion is evil and warned that Cameroonians will rise up against any atempt to legalise it.The press conference was attended by both journalists of the Public and Independent Media,who bombarded Chief Ngwana with biting questions,and got answers to their worries।The Chief Urged the meda to join him and other moralists to fight the good fight to preserve lives and protect human dignity.Following is Chief Ngwana's address (a Must- read)to the Journalists,titled:
WHY WE CAN NEVER ACCEPT THE LEGALIZATION OF ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY, AND OTHER CRIMINAL ABOMINATIONSMembers of the Media I have called you here this morning to inform you of a situation which we consider very serious for the wellbeing of Cameroon.
The UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS is a common standard of achievement for all peoples and Nations, bearing in mind that human rights, dignity, freedom equality, solidarity and justice constitute the spiritual and moral patrimony on which the union of peoples and Nations is based.
The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights is applicable to all human beings, male and female. ARTICLE 3 states: “Everyone has the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND SECURITY of person”
The first and the most important fundamental human right, the basis of all human rights, is the RIGHT TO LIFE. Without human beings we can not talk of human rights
Every human being has a right to life and to live, from conception to natural death. Each child has the right to be conceived, born and educated within the family, based on marriage between a man and a woman, the family being the natural and fundamental group unit of society.
ABORTION. Abortion is the deliberate killing of a human being after conception and before birth. Miscarriage ( or spontaneous abortion) is the accidental death of a human being after conception and before birth.
Science and religion agree that human life begins at conception, when the ovum is fertilized by the sperm. After conception, the human being is complete, and only grows. From conception the human being is only called different names as he or she develops. He develops or grows from an embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, infant, boy or girl, man or woman and finally ends up as an old man or an old woman.
In abortion, a human being is deliberately deprived of his/her life. And that is nothing, but murder. Abortion is an attack on life itself.
The 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the United Nations states that the child “needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.” A principle, which is in keeping with a previous declaration by the World Medical Association to “maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception.”
The 1966 International Convention on Civil and Political Rights states that “sentence of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women, and that the express intention of this Article is inspired by consideration of the interest of the unborn child.”
Abortion is a crime against natural law, abortion is a contravention of the UN Charter on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , abortion is a terrible abuse of the Rights of the Child, an abuse of the Fundamental Right of every human being to life and to live. Abortion is a crime against humanity and cannot be justified
Abortion is the most despicable, callous, heinous and inhuman method of killing. The child is killed by the very persons who are supposed to protect the innocent, harmless child, their parents and doctors. Think of the barbaric and brutal method called “partial-birth abortion”, usually performed in an advance state of pregnancy.
It allows a partial delivery before the baby is killed, in some cases using a small hammer or cudgel to crush the skull of the baby while still crying.
Yes this is inhumanity of man to man.
People marry to enjoy satisfaction of mind and body and to have children. In some cases where a woman can not have children or enough children as desired by the couple, the man sometimes marries another wife to have more children.
The African love for many children considers abortion as an abomination. Abortion is against African culture and tradition.
Abortion is a crime punishable under the Cameroon Penal Code, section 337: “Any woman procuring or consenting to her own abortion shall be punished with imprisonment for from fifteen days to one year or with a fine of five thousand to two hundred thousand francs or with both such imprisonment and fine”.
All Religions consider Abortion as a serious offence against God. Islam forbids abortion and Moslems consider abortion an abomination.
Christians are forbidden to commit abortion. The Holy Bible says “thou shall not kill”. On creation, God commanded man to be fruitful, increase, multiply and fill the earth. At the same time God commanded man, “thou shall not kill.” Abortion is a violation of God’s commandment “thou shall not kill” For Catholics, this crime is so serious that “A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication” (can. 1398)
Homosexuality is a terrible sin for which God wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah from the face of the earth.
Governments throughout history actively encouraged their population growth. The motivations varied from economic, defense and social security. Consequently they treated abortion, murder, manslaughter, and euthanasia as serious criminal offences, punishable in some cases with the death penalty.
In 1873 the U.S. Congress enacted the “Comstock Law”, which regulated public access to birth control devices, medicine or information, for the next 60 years. It was illegal to distribute any device (condoms), medicine or information designed to prevent conception, this was applicable even to physicians.
The most notorious policies introduced to boost birth rates and population growths were deployed by totalitarian regimes of Far-Left and Right। In Ceausescu’s Romania the Marxist dictator instituted monthly pregnancy tests to see if women were performing their patriotic duty, and provided more generous subsidized housing to larger families. Across the communist block pro-birth policies were applied, including the gearing of child benefit to give progressively more generous payments to larger families. In Communist Czechoslovakia child benefit kicked in when a mother had two children and those after the second earned progressively more from the State. State childcare and subsidized goods for children were meant to further encouraged reproduction. Fascist regimes, however, went further. Mussolini introduced tax on bachelors above a certain age. (Presuming that once single men had graduated to the tax-favored state of marriage they would get down to procreation) In Nazi Germany the pro-birth programme was, as might be expected, ruthless. Information about contraception was suppressed. Unmarried adults face tax penalties. State Loans were given at weddings, only to be written off when a couple produced children, tax concessions were tapered to favour lager families and housing concessions were shaped to the same end. Totalitarian regimes may have been fanatical in pursuit of higher birth rates and population growth, but democracies have also pursued pronatalist policies. In France in the 1920s, laws were introduced to limit the sale of contraceptives and payments allocated to women who stayed (giving birth) at home.
The upsurge of population growth and density increased pressure on existing resources and ushered in the Industrial Revolution which began in Britain in 1780-1880. People moved from the rural areas into the cities and towns, increasing congestion and necessitating more development, and industrialization. The Industrial Revolution transformed Europe from a predominantly agrarian society into a predominantly manufacturing world. During this period there was a population explosion and Europe alone increased from 190 million to 423 million. Great development took place and people grew rich.
The size of the population and density, determined economic growth, wealth and military strength. Population and density are directly linked to economic development, growth, wealth and power.
Simplistic as it may sound, it is a truism that as the population increases, it creates more needs and demands, forcing economic development and generating wealth. As the population increases, there is demand for more houses, more schools, more roads more hospitals, more cars, more food, more industries, more markets, etc.
Hence increased population pressure and density provide the impetus for industrialization which does not take place without pressure of expanding population. No population pressure, no development. A fast growing population makes it easier to acquire needed infrastructure like roads, electricity networks, accommodation etc. Africa can only develop and industrialize quickly if there is a fast growing population. This is what happened to Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution, there was a population explosion in the 18th and 19th centuries. This is what is happening to China and India now. China for the past decade has remained the fastest growing economy in the world.
As of 2003, the statistics show that the developed world or the industrialized world was densely populated and rich, while the developing world especially Africa was sparsely populated and poor. Japan had a population density of 335 persons per square kilometer and an income per capita of US$34,313, the European Union then
(15 countries) had a population density of 115 persons per square kilometer and an income per capita of US$23,660, while a cross section of 15 African countries had a density of 25 persons per square kilometer and an income per capita of US$637.
When the populations of Europe, Japan, and America, were growing fast, they also enjoyed great economic boom. Now the populations of China and India are growing fast. India has a GDP growth rising by about 6% yearly while China for the past decade the GDP has been growing by 9.2%, the fastest in the world. Africa has the lowest about 0.1%
It is obvious that if Africa is to develop fast and get out of poverty; the African population density must grow fast. Development is by people for people. Where there are no people, there is no development.
The current world total fertility rate or TFR is 2.48 children per woman not far above replacement. The African population is growing steadily at a fertility rate of about 5.6 children per woman. The global TFR will drop to 1.54 children per woman by the year 2050. At that time, the U.N has projected that the population of India will be 1.53 billion people, so that it becomes the world’s most populated country, China, which has vigorously enforced its “one child policy” will be relatively modest, from 1.3 billion now to 1.4 in 2025, and then falling gradually. The African population will rise from 851 million (2003) to 1.803 billion in 2050, while Europe will fall from 726 million (2003) to 632 million by 2050.
The political and economic implications will be very serious. Africa, India, and China will become Demographic Superpowers resulting in a Shift in the Balance of Power.
All the countries and governments now already suffering “population Decline” are worried and are doing everything possible to reverse this situation, but the ageing process has begun and the consequences are frightening. They are not succeeding, because decades of false propaganda of “overpopulation” have now had their effect. The “contraceptive and abortion mentality” is now firmly established. Their women do not want to have children. The consequences are the negative population growth, with all the economic and societal problems this implies.
Humanity’s long-term problem will not be too many children, but too few children. Too few children to fill the schools and universities, too few couples buying homes and second cars, too few consumers and producers to drive the economy forward, and too few workers to provide support, through their tax dollars, for the ballooning population of elderly.
Some countries are worried that they will soon be “an endanger species” and will be an extinct race in the next two centuries.
On January 2003, President Bush declared in a broadcast that the United States “must protect the lives of innocent children waiting to be born”. In 2009, Obama/Clinton declared that “the full force of the U.S. government will be used to get governments to change their laws on abortion all over the world”
The world today is in two camps: the culture of death - anti-life (pro-choice),
in a way anti-God, (the agents of the devil), which rationalizes promiscuous relationships, abortion, sterilization, homosexuality, egg-donation, euthanasia and many other practices contrary to the culture of life, marriage and the family.
The second camp is the culture of life, which is against all anti-life practices, promotes the sanctity of life, marriage, the family and all family values.
The culture of death has such devastating effects on the growth of the human population because it is financed by many rich governments and non-governmental organization like the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN agency that helped set up and run the Chinese “one child policy” which is responsible for millions of horrible coercive abortions, (20 million Chinese men now are looking for women to marry), and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, with branches all over the developing world.
The anti-life governments and ant-life people want to control the growth of the African population for two reasons: they want to keep Africa as a reserve for their raw materials and politically they fear that Africa will become a demographic Superpower in the next 50 years. They have pumped into Africa, trillion of contraceptives, pills, condoms and abortifacients to control the growth of the African population and failed, so now they want to use all their might to ensure that Africans kill their children by abortion. By conniving, colluding, and bribing some corrupt elite class, they lie that Africa is over populated and that is why we are poor. By conniving and colluding with some African corrupt dictators and some corrupt and ignorant leaders, billions of dollars are stolen, misappropriated, corrupted and looted from the continent and kept abroad in banks, properties and shares.
When aid is given to Africa, most of it is poison quoted in sugar. Think of condoms distributed to youngsters, when the donors know that condoms prevent pregnancies thereby stalling our population growth and that condoms promote the spread of AIDS which kills people thereby stalling our population growth. They encourage promiscuity and openly advertise the use of condoms, but they silently discourage abstinence and fidelity.
Why the Cardinal Democratic Party and all its supporters reject the Maputo Protocol and call on all Cameroonians to reject this obnoxious protocol is because it was teleguided from abroad by those governments and people who want to control the growth of the African population. The Protocol was smuggled through Parliament either through ignorance or corruption, and quickly signed by the President.
Article 14 of the Protocol is unacceptable and completely contrary to Natural Law, contrary to Divine Positive Law, contrary to the Cameroon Penal Code, and contrary to our Culture and Tradition. While the protocol highlights, protects and defends women’s rights which are already protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Protocol flagrantly undermines the most important and fundamental Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “everyone has a right to life, liberty and security of person”
By advocating abortion, homosexuality and other abominations, the Maputo Protocol is a veil attempt to destroy marriage, the family institution, and the sanctity of life। The family is the cell of the society, on which a prosperous, viable and veritable country can grow and develop. The Maputo Protocol is a weapon to stall our population growth and keep us in perpetual poverty. The Maputo Protocol is against our economic and spiritual interests.
The Cardinal Democratic Party calls on President Paul Biya, to withdraw Cameroon from the Maputo Protocol. Cameroonians will never accept the legalization of Abortion, homosexuality and any anti-life legislation.
National Chairman,
Cardinal Democratic Party – CDP