Expectations of Residents
Supposed candidates for Mayor of Buea: 1-David Mafani Namange 2-Dr Amos Namnaga Ngongi
3-Dr George Mafany Teke and 4- Kange Williams Wasaloko
By Christopher Ambe
The ruling CPDM
emerged victorious at the February 9 municipal election in Buea.
And tomorrow
Tuesday February 18, the 41 councilors
of Buea Council will elect a new Mayor of Buea and his four deputies amidst high expectations of
But it appears the councilors will not freely choose as they
would have wished to, following a circular from Jean Nkuete ,
Secretary-General of the Central Committee of ruling CPDM ,which says candidates for the office of mayor and deputies
will be invested by the party. He warns that the councilors, who had taken
oath to observe party discipline, must honor that commitment or risk being
Whatever the case,
what is of paramount interest to the Buea electorate is their rapid
socio-cultural and economic development, especially when they recall, with
regret ,that the past five or so years registered little or nothing for the
common good, partly because of the Anglophone crisis that brought the economy of Buea to its knees
and “misplaced priorities.”
Having been deprived of their much-needed development
and accountability in the recent past
,and conscious that councils henceforth manage up to 15 percent of the State
budget,dwellers of Buea ,the former capital of German Kamerun, former capital
of British Southern Cameroons, former West Cameroon, former capital of
Southwest Province and now capital of Southwest Region, now badly need a
people-friendly, development-oriented ,transparent and stringent manager as their mayor; not a gambler or demagogue
propelled for selfish motives.
Yes, Buea residents now
want a mayor of substance, whose executed projects will be visible as the
council building itself; not a good-for-nothing bully or political lackey who will be unduly influenced by some partisans or administrative authorities to do
what is of no importance to the interest of the public.
In fact,Buea now
needs a man-of-action mayor who will spread out projects across the municipality,
and not to particular localities .
Buea needs a mayor who will solve -once and
for all, for instance, the persistent water crisis, which has hit the
municipality since 2013;a mayor who detests corrupt practices.
And this calls for a
mayor with relevant credentials, with tested and proven managerial skills, one
who is tried-and–tested with abundant work experience; one who is God-fearing.
According to reports,
four councilors have already indicated their readiness- pending their investiture
by party, to gun for the mayoral seat of this strategic town.
The four reportedly aspiring to be Mayor of
Buea are:Dr. George Mafany Teke, Mr.Kange Williams Wasaloko, Mr.David Mafani
Namange and Dr.Amos Namanga Ngongi,all natives of Buea.
GEORGE MAFANY TEKE, who is the Southwest Regional
Delegate for Scientific Research and Innovation, is a staunch CPDM militant. He
holds a PhD in Economic Geology since
2010. This CPDM Central Committee’s Charge
de mission for Fako Division is married and has children. Soft-spoken and a good listener, Dr. Teke is a
renowned geologist and has been a lecturer at the University of Buea. He has worked
as a consultant with several institutions such as SOWEDA. Dr. Teke had served
as CPDM subsection president for Small Soppo and Secretary for Buea CPDM. He is
a Presbyterian and Member of the Christian Men Fellowship (CMF)
While detractors of this
civil servant say he needs to gather much more experience in management and
leadership, his admirers think he can deliver if given the opportunity to be
WILLIAMS WASSALOKO is a seasoned and outspoken journalist
working with the State broadcaster CRTV. Presently, he is the Manager of the
Southwest Regional Station of CRTV, Buea.
Mr. Kange, who studied journalism in Nigeria
and University of Buea,is married and a father of several children; he is also publisher of the award-winning Magazine,
He joined CRTV in
1996; was a broadcaster with FM 94(Yaounde) and later served as Chief of News
in CRTV Bertoua. Mr. Kange was Senior Reporter at CRTV National Station before
his appointment as CRTV Buea Station Manager in June 2017.
Mr. kange is credited
for launching new CRTV radio programs such as ISSUES (an interactive slot) and
participating in some.
His radio programme, ISSUES, aired on Saturday
morning and which he moderates, offers him the opportunity to advocate social
justice, peace, unity and development. He once served as Public Relations
Officer of University of Buea and later University of Yaounde 1 for several
Broad-minded as a
journalist worth the salt should be, Mr. Kange is confident that if elected
mayor he will leave his footprints on the sands of time in Buea.
MAFANI NAMANGE,who is the party’s Buea municipal list leader, has been Fako
III(Buea) president for more than five years; had been YCPDM president for
Buea. Mr. Mamange has worked with Credit Foncier (bank) in Buea,Bamenda,Douala for more than 20 years and is currently the Southwest
Regional Manager of the bank.
Recently sworn-in as a lawyer, Mr. Namange is
a PhD student of International Law (University of Buea);he is married and a
father. Many say his leadership of the CPDM in Buea would have been more
successful if not of the Anglophone Crisis that slowed down party activities.
His admirers think that because he joined the CPDM in the 90’s ,has led its youth wing in Buea, served as Central Committee’s charge
de Mission for many years and currently Buea CPDM boss,
he has sacrificed enough to be
compensated with the office of mayor.
AMOS NAMANGA NGONGI is a retired senior UN official and
holds a PhD in Agronomy (USA), among other certificates. He served as Special Representative of the UN
Secretary-General in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and as Head of UN
Peace-keeping in DRC (from 2001-2003); worked with the World Food Program for
17 years and even became its Deputy Director for seven years, managing more
than ten thousand workers spread in over
84 countries.
In the war-torn DRC,
he successfully brought out rebels from the bushes to form a unitary
government. He is a good peace crusader and crisis resolution expert.
Dr. Ngongi, noted nationally and
internationally for his transparency and efficiency, also served for several
years as Member of the United Nations Management Board.
Although he went on
retirement in 2003 as a senior staff and returned to Buea, he was still contracted
as President of Alliance for Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA), an Africa-led
and Africa-based independent organization for food security -headquartered in
Kenya, where he served for five years.
Looking ever young, Dr.Ngongi,who
has extensive experience in agricultural development, management, peace and
security issues, began his career as an agricultural extension officer in
Cameroon, helping farmers to improve yields and to diversify and market their crops.
It was during his tenure as agric officer in Fako,that yam production started
in the division.
But in 1980, he was
assigned to Cameroon Embassy in Rome; four years later he joined the World Food
Programme, becoming its Deputy Executive Director in 1994, a position he held
until his appointment as UN Undersecretary-General, Special Representative and
Head of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo in
Since his retirement from the UN, Dr Ngongi
has undertaken several high-level missions, including a study on food reserve
systems in Africa.
Locally, he has contributed in enhancing development in Buea in various
forms:major financier of the Wonyalyonga
Community hall; donated to Muea Health
Centre & electrified Bonakanda Health Center; hugely supported the building
of the co-cathedral in Buea; fought and defended Buea Town Green, which led to the
cancellation of an illegal layout that was set up. Dr. Ngongi, who is a
dependable CPDM militant, wants to become mayor of Buea Council, where he had
already served as a counselor for five years and better understands the needs
and worries of Buea denizens.
It is on record that, in all the offices that
Dr.Ngongi worked in and out of Cameroon, no allegations of embezzlement and mismanagement
were leveled against him, projecting him, according to critical observers, as
the kind of leader/manager that Buea needs now.
Focused,humble and generous,
Dr. Ngongi is not a political noisemaker.
This committed catholic Christian,
husband and father does what he means and means what he does for the common
With his wealth of
experience and broad-based networks, Buea residents say it will be a privilege
for them to have such a personality at the helm of their council now. “It is
time for a prophet to be recognized home,”said a Buea CPDM militant of Dr.Ngongi.
“Decentralization requires good mangers.”
Jean Nkuete,
Secretary-General of the ruling CPDM,warned in a circular to Representatives and Charges de Mission of the Central Committee and Municipal Councilors,
dated 13 February 2020 and titled “ Nomination of CPDM candidates for the
election of Municipal Executives”:
“ At the time when decentralization is being
strengthened ,our councils and city councils, especially those controlled by
the party ,must be administered by competent, outstanding ,impeccable
,dedicated and committed militants vis-à-vis the law and ethics, with human
qualities and skills to best meet the legitimate needs and aspirations the
Buea residents, therefore, count on the CPDM
Municipal Group to validate candidates based on meritocracy, and not corruption.
“Manoeuvres aimed at corrupting
Municipal Councilors or any other actor in the process of setting up the
Municipal Executives shall lead to the disqualification of their candidates”,
cautions the CPDM’s Secretary-General, in the aforementioned circular.
Tommow will be a new
dawn in the Buea Municipality.