The MP of Akwaya In Manyu, Hon Aka Martin,says Nigerian herdsmen have invaded three villages
in the Cameroonian subdivision and have
killed three persons already.
He appeals to the Cameroon government to urgently come to the
assistance of Akwaya people. The MP, who was in Buea last March 7 was interviewed by The
Horizon’s Contributing Editor, Christopher Ambe
Hon Aka Martin,MP for Akwaya
What is the
state of Akwaya now?
Akwaya , which is a subdivision in Manyu Divison of the
Southwest region with a population of
over 150,000 people, is calm although before February 11 this year, we had a separatist attack at a
Gendarmerie Post. The attackers were repelled by Cameroon forces.
But as we speak now three Akwaya villages have been invaded by
herdsmen from Nigeria. These villages are: Bakinjaw,Ballin and Bagundu-all Messsaga Ekol in Akwaya Subdivision.
This is not the first
time they are invading us from Taraba and Benue States. But this time they have
crossed the boundaries right into Cameroonian villages with their cattle and
they are burning houses. They have killed three persons from Bakinjaw
Village-one is a Grade One teacher and elderly man.
This attack started last week and it is ongoing.
As MP for
Akwaya, what action have you taken against this invasion by these foreigners?
I have informed the Administration of Cameroon about this
attack. Last year, I returned to the village to help refugees from Nigeria who
came in their thousands, I even wrote to the hierarchy but received no support.
The villagers gave them assistance. This time they have crossed into Cameroon
and are attacking the villagers now are moving towards where the Gendarmerie
Post is located. The gendarmes there are few and seem helpless because of the
weapons these invaders are carrying. Their aggressive behavior is akin to what
is happening in the Far North Region of Cameroon. These Nigerians are moving
along with their heavy weapons, invading places .They started as far back as
Taraba state of Nigeria, capturing communities and now they are in Messaga Ekol
area. These villages are in between the Northwest and Southwest regions of
Cameroon and the boundary between Taraba and Cross River Sates.
The Nigerian invaders come in the night, chase away the
villagers and install themselves. The invasion is to chase away the villagers
and keep their cattle there.
Apart from
informing the Government of Cameroon, have you contacted the Consul-General of
Nigeria in Buea?
Of course, we have! The chief of my village has formally
contacted the Consulate-General of Nigeria in Buea… We have even informed the
representative of the Head of State in the Division.
Apart from
this foreign invasion of Akwaya,is the subdivision free from the threats of
Separatist fighters?
Separatist attacks there are
reducing –or dying down. You know the separatists started in Akwaya, because of
the underdevelopment of the subdivision. Some of the separatists are still
hiding there. Because of the underdevelopment of the subdivision it is very
difficult for the Cameroon military to counter them. So when they start
attacking around Widikum, Bamenda and Bafut,they run to the forests in Akwaya
and hide there .
Sometime ago
you were pleading with the Cameroon Government to raise Akwaya to a full
division. Have got any assurance?
The campaign for Akwaya to
be upgraded to a division is still on. This time it is not me alone fighting
for that but the entire subdivision. We just met with the PCC Moderator, Rev
Samuel Fonki (Akwaya elite) in Buea about this and we are sending a delegation
to see the Prime Minister to press for this. We wish that Akwaya be raised to a
full division or that more administrative units be created there along the
border areas, so that such happenings like what we have now can easily be
I learnt that
your predecessor, former MP of Akwaya was dragged to court allegedly for
supporting terrorism and you are said to be one of those who filed a criminal
complaint against him. What is your
reaction to this?
Get this from me: I have not
taken anybody to court. I have not given any statement anywhere. But I am aware
that villages have jointly written a complaint against him in which report my
name is mentioned of about what he allegedly said about me. Until now, I have
not been convoked by any security or judicial service. So I don’t want to talk
about it.
So you are
affirming that you are not the person who has dragged Hon Ayah to Court?
I am not the one.
But do you
have any personal problem with Hon.Ayah Paul,your predecessor?
I have never had any confrontation with him. I don’t know if he has a
grudge against me.
This is your third year as MP for Akwaya. Do
you have any message for the people of Akwaya with regards to development?
This year Akwaya in Manyu Divison has the highest share of
the state budget-close to 1.5billion Fcfa. This kind of amount is usually meant
for an urban council and not even a rural council. So if there is no peace, how
are we going to implement the projects the money is meant to take care of?
I am appealing to my people to be peace builders and
promoters, and allow this huge investment budget for Akwaya to be executed.
Those who are in the bushes (separatist fighters) should drop their arms and go
back to the farms for crop cultivation, which is what has been keeping Akwaya
alive. They should stop killing their brothers because of some ideology. They
should all embrace peace, because it is a sine
qua non for development.
You are
already three years in office as MP of Akwaya. What can you say are some of
your major achievements?
I have done a lot in
the field of human development .I have awarded scholarships to sons and daughters of Akwaya to study in universities .They are about 25 of them and I have financially assisted others to sit for various competitive examinations into the
public service.
Let me tell you that parliamentarians are not out to carry
out projects in their areas. We work in synergy with the mayors, who are
responsible for the execution of projects. For example, in my constituency, I come out with
plans/project estimates in my area .For the projects to be approved they must
pass the test of maturity. I have done that in my area with the mayor and have
succeeded .I have built two classrooms in my village. They are building two others
in another village; I have come out with road projects and I still have some
projects which I have handed to the Southwest Regional Assembly for
consideration. Many people always ask, ‘What have you achieved?’ Do they know
number of bills we have passed in the National Assembly? The number of bills we
have passed in the National Assembly to keep the country functioning is an
Aka, last year your village was burnt by some assailants. What do you have to
say about the burning?
Actually on the 25 of June
last year, heavily armed men attacked my village (Bakinjaw) during the funeral
of my cousin, who died in Mamfe and was brought to the village for burial.
These armed men sneaked in the night into the village and ambushed the mourners.
On that particular day, 36 people died and later on four died in a health
center in Nigeria. We suspected they
were armed separatists and after that the attackers circulated a video
identifying themselves as Manyu Unity Warriors;
that they were separatists from villages in Manyu that came to attack our
village because we have not been supporting their independence struggle; that
we have killing their fighters; that we are in Ambaland and we don’t want to
respect their laws. So it was purely a separatist attack of my village, because
we have never bought their separatist objective.
There is relative peace
there now but for the attack by the Nigerians. I want the state to come to our
assistance, because we have been supporting the state of Cameroon.
(This interview also appears in The Horizon Newspaper ,Cameroon,of March 9,2023)