
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Cameroon-Empowering Students In Buea:

Fongoh & Partners Real Estate Offers Holiday jobs

 To Students To Boost Their Lot

Fongoh V.Tekang ( backing Camera) ,CEO of Fongoh and partners awarding  a prize to one of the  best workers

By Zifac Fatima

Conscious of his corporate social responsibility, Fongoh Valentine Tekang, CEO of Fongoh and Partners Real Estate Solutions in Buea , has put a smile on the faces of about 40 students  in Buea by paying handsome wages  to them for work they did for the company during the long vacation .
The holiday workers  each earned  ranging from  80,000-100,000 Fcfa.

The  company had employed the students to enable them gain some work experience, develop a work culture and earn some money that would improve  their financial situation as they prepare for school resumption scheduled for early September.

In a ceremony , last  August 28,marking the end of the holiday job in Buea , the CEO expressed satisfaction that the  initiative was  successful and had impacted positively on the lives of the student workers, by keeping them usefully occupied during thee long vacation.

FONGOH and Partners Real Estate Solutions, located in Bonduma-Buea was created  in 2018  and now a new branch  in Ashong Batibo,Momo Division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon.

 This real estate company offers a range of services including: Buying and selling of landed properties, real estate consulting, valuation, development, marketing, coordination and investment services; agriculture, animal husbandry, crop cultivation, oil palm cultivation and milling ;and other farm activities.

The students, who worked on the company's farm   received free transportation  to and from the their sites and were served  food  throughout the work period. 

 In his remarks, Atakung Richard, manager of Fongoh and Partners, said in spite of  initial challenges to  assemble the job applicants children ,the company's field workers and the entire team of Fongoh and Partners, ensures that the program went according to plan.

 “Surprisingly, managing the children wasn’t too challenging  because they followed instructions,” noted Atakung . He said the gesture would have a lasting impact on the children, especially those who were self-sponsored ,for  they would  be able to focus in class without worrying about school needs.

It emerged that by providing a nurturing environment, Fongoh Valentine aimed to help students develop essential skills, build confidence and gain practical experience. This initiative demonstrates Fongoh’s commitment to investing in the future of young people and contributing to the community’s wellbeing. 

Speaking to the press, CEO Fongoh  explained :

"Our society is filled with negative activities involving youths, so I thought it necessary to get some of them productively busy, enabling them to assist their parents with back-to-school preparations." 

He added, "This initiative also provided an opportunity for them to learn and gain skills through jobs like clearing, pruning, picking palm fruits, and feeding pigs which they all did with joy."

The CEO noted that this was the first edition of the program, which saw 35 students participate. He disclosed  plans to employ some of the students who will graduate from university next year and  promised  to double or triple the number of participants in the next edition.

Fongoh noted that they met their objectives of gathering the students, as they sailed through the program without biting  challenges.

 "They were committed, hardworking, and satisfied at the end of it all. We are proud to have made a positive impact on their lives and look forward to continuing our support for their growth and development," he said .

To motivate and reward the outstanding performance of some of the students, Fongoh Valentine presented special envelopes containing cash prizes to the   three best workers. 

He also surprised his best Worker, Ngwa Faithfulness, with a beautiful announcement :

“As our top performer, I am pleased to promise that I will take care of your school fees and needs for the next academic year”, he declared.

The students beamed with joy, expressed gratitude for the opportunity, citing the benefits of hands-on learning, teamwork and mentorship.  

The student-workers pose for the camera.

Ngwa Faithfulness, a secondary school  prospective Form 5 student , shared his experiences with the press. 

"My two months at Fongoh and Partners have been a lesson learned in cooperation, working with people of different ages and backgrounds. I acquired new farming skills, like pruning palm and plantain trees, and learned about necessary agricultural products used in planting and these skills will go a long way to help me especially with assisting my mother in the farm”.  He said the back-to-school support is a huge relief for him and his mother, as he was struggling to fund his education. “It is not easy to work for somebody for just two months and then the person promises to take care of all your school needs for the next academic year, words alone are not enough to thank such a person” Ngwa appreciated.

Company staff  in family photo during the ceremony,

Another worker, Binui Bernice Asongwe, a final year student in the University of Buea, also expressed her gratitude: "This opportunity taught me new farming techniques, like oil milling and nurturing plantain seedlings. I can apply these skills to grow my own crops and generate income." 

Parents and guardians also appreciated the CEO's kindness, acknowledging the positive impact on their children's lives. 

Mbah Walters, a parent whose two children participated in the program, cited benefits  got like hands-on learning, teamwork, and mentorship. He said not only did the children learn valuable skills but they also earned money to support their education.

 “Moreover, they often return home sharing exciting ideas they have learned from Fongoh and partners aside farming, such as how to purchase a land in Buea through the Company’s initiatives” he added

Fongoh's dedication to empowering students serves as a model for other organizations to follow, showcasing the transformative power of supportive partnerships between businesses and communities.