
Friday, January 18, 2008

RUMPI Set For Concrete Project Execution This year

By Christopher Ambe Shu
The RUMPI Area Participatory Development Project( fondly called Rumpi project) ,which is intended to alleviate poverty in the Southwest province of Camroon and which was launched in 2004, has already lived half of its six-year lifespan with just little achievements to show. But concrete project realization will only begin this year, The RECORDER has learnt.The 5th Project Steering Committee of RUMPI meeting that held recently in Buea, adopted the project’s 2008 work plan, and budget which stands at 6.5 billionFCFA .The entire Rumpi project is estimated to consume some 17 billion FCFA,but the ADB (bank) ,its major financier, had actually disbursed only 174 million, before suspending further disbursements in May 2006 to express its dissatisfaction with the non-compliance to the bank’s conditions.

With Besong Ntui Ogork (pictured)as new project coordinator things have started working out well as the bank recently lifted the suspension on the disbursement of funds .But Mr.Ogork would not take the credit alone. He also thanked the ministries for Agriculture and Economy for working hard to satisfy the bank’s conditions which occasioned the lifting of the suspension.Mr. Ogork told the press that in addition to the 174 million FCFA disbursed by the ADB “if one were to go only by contracts signed so far, we can say the bank is already committed to over one billion francs”. The project coordinator said in 2008 RUMPI will effectively take off with the execution of concrete projects such as road and market construction and water projects.RUMPI would also boost agricultural production especially as the Steering Committee recommended at its 5th meeting, Mr Ogork said.
The mid-term review for RUMPI took place last November. “Based on the orientations given by the mid-term review, that would be the future of the RUMPI project”, he remarked. “We hope God will give us the wisdom and strength to work according to bank regulations, with the Cameroon Government always supporting us”

Eko’o Akouafane Jean Claude, Secretary –General in MINADER Yaoundé, who chaired the 5th RUMPI Steering Committee Meeting, in the conference hall of SOWEDA -Buea, noted that RUMPI “is now at a crucial moment of project execution as it is about to complete the first half of its life span.” He remarked that RUMPI activities in the field are “still few and far between” .Mr Eko’o called for more duty consciousness, emphasizing the importance Government attaches to the project as a developmental tool of the south west province. “It is incumbent on us to ensure that this project achieves its set objectives of effectively contributing to poverty reduction among rural households of the Southwest province, by increasing the income of small holders of the Project area in a sustainable manner.”

He had earlier announced that the suspension measures that were slammed on the Rumpi project by the ADB were now lifted. He warned the project coordinator that the lifting of the sanctions is not an achievement, but rather should be taken as a challenge.Mr Eko’o hoped the project implementation team would take advantage of the resources made available by the Government to effectively achieve project objectives”

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