The ceremony was attended among other dignitaries by Southwest Regional governor, Koumpa Issa, Hon.Meoto Paul Njie, former Director of cabinet at the PM’s office who led a CPDM central Committee Delegation to Buea.
Following is the address by Section President Mbella Moki Charles:
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
This occasion marking the 25th Anniversary of the CPDM party under the theme “ THE CPDM AT THE SERVICE OF CAMEROON ,YESTERDAY,TODAY AND TOMORROW ’’ offers me the opportunity as your humble and loyal servant to welcome you all gathered here especially His Excellency Koumpa Issa,as well as the Central Committee Delegation.
This Celebration offers us the privilege to collectively evaluate and appreciate the ground covered in 25 years since our party was born in Bamenda. That event was full of pomp and pageantry, before the cameras of the then nascent Cameroon Television. This occasion does not only unite us as a party, but enables us to define our missions and strategies to forge ahead.
In this light, the CPDM may rightfully be considered as the Party for the Emergence of a Modern Cameroon- to paraphrase the Secretary General of the CPDM.
Your Excellency, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Permit me say that as the CPDM attains Silver today, this occasion affords us the opportunity to cling on that Silver lining. We of Buea in particular and people of Cameroon in general rejoice and celebrate in the fact that, we are the privileged lot with a long list of positive landmarks that justify our attachment to the CPDM Party and its leader H.E PAUL BIYA. The first thing that causes us to celebrate is our existence. As your Section President, let me assure you that I have a mind, I have a brain and I have a duty to act basically that is why you elected me. Because I still enjoy your respect I should be corrected and guided by your wishes and aspirations.
Let me therefore with your mandate associate the sentiments and feelings of our militants to the meaning of this event. We have overcome the hurdles and challenges that have prevailed through the last 25 years and the CPDM is stronger today more than ever before. We have in perfect competition made very profound gains that enable us to be proud of our position as the living political party implanted throughout our national territory. We have sustained our growth with remarkable numbers, the mobilization of our women and youth remain the envy of other political groupings in our country.
The leadership of our party has remained focus and organized with a passion to make a difference with others; our leadership has always taken responsibility while others are making excuses; our leadership is seeing the possibilities in every situation while others are seeing the limitations. We have provided leadership with an open mind and an open heart, our leadership inspires others with a vision of what they can contribute to national development. That is leadership.
We are speaking to the hearts of others, integrating the hearts, heads and souls of every Cameroonian. Leadership above all must be encouraged that is what the leadership of the CPDM possesses. That of course allows us to celebrate. During the last 25 years, the CPDM has relied on Fako Division for leadership with our human and material resources contributing enormously towards the advancement and evolution of our national life.
We have witnessed a corresponding response from the CPDM and its leadership in the area of infrastructural development, human capital development, institutional development and the appointment of sons and daughters from our community to positions of responsibility.
As we look back at 25 years we can proudly talk of our lone Anglo-Saxon University in the country. Wecan also count and acknowledge a great improvement on our road network; we can showcase our Regional Hospital Annex in Buea. Academic institutions are littered everywhere in our community from Nursery, Primary, Secondary to higher institutions of learning. The standards in our professional schools are upgraded with modern innovations in their programmes. Our public infrastructures have witnessed remarkable renovations and innovations. You can agree with me that the Buea of yesterday is no longer the Buea of today.
The CPDM and its leadership have relied for the last 25 years on Fako and have continued to look on Fako III for leadership in our country.
Our sons and daughters have registered an effective presence at strategic positions of authority and influence. We therefore can afford to celebrate, and celebrate confidence and trust. How can we forget that within 25 years we have produced PETER MAFANY MUSONGE and CHIEF EPHRAIM INONI as Prime Ministers? How can we forget Hon. MEOTO PAUL NJIE as Minister - Director of Cabinet at the Prime Minister’s office?
The CPDM and its leadership have relied for the last 25 years on Fako and have continued to look on Fako III for leadership in our country.
Our sons and daughters have registered an effective presence at strategic positions of authority and influence. We therefore can afford to celebrate, and celebrate confidence and trust. How can we forget that within 25 years we have produced PETER MAFANY MUSONGE and CHIEF EPHRAIM INONI as Prime Ministers? How can we forget Hon. MEOTO PAUL NJIE as Minister - Director of Cabinet at the Prime Minister’s office?
Today, we are happily enjoying the election and appointments of Hon. EMILIA MOJOWA LIFAKA, Right Hon. Prime Minister PETER MAFANY MUSONGE and Mr. CHURCHILL EWUMBUE MONONO as Vice Speaker at the National Assembly, Grand Chancellor of National Orders and Technical Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic respectively. We are proud of our party as a governing party. The Cameroon of yesterday we must acknowledge is also not the Cameroon of today. A lot has changed. Things will never be the same again.
Thanks for the contribution and foresightedness of the CPDM and its leadership that has contributed in no small way in the realizations and transformations of this nation. The CPDM and its leadership have masterminded reforms in our legal system giving birth to the harmonized Criminal Procedure Code. Today, we can talk of ELECAM, Decentralization is on course enabling local populations to have a greater say in their respective local government areas and in the management of their own affairs. Thanks to the CPDM and its leadership our country has weathered the storm at moments of economic crises attaining the HIPC completion point as we benefit from a substantial reduction of external debts and to invest these resources in social sectors as health, education, infrastructure, rural electrification and access to portable water.
The nation is currently witnessing the massive recruitment of graduates into Public Service, the establishment of PAJER-U (Integrated Support Project for Informal Sector Actors for Rural and Urban Youths).
At the diplomatic level, much has been achieved from our effective presence and participation at Regional and International meetings, the conspicuous presence of the Head of State at most distinguished fora and the peaceful resolution of the Bakassi Conflict makes all of proud.
Distinguished Guests,
it is in this light that we are subscribing to the CPDM and its leadership with certainty and panache. It is only in this way that the Fako III and the nation as a whole will bequeath to our children will be better than the one we inherited from our forefathers. This is my prayer made in faith with people of faith. May the rising image of the majestic Fako Mountain remain the symbol of your courage in the turbulent waves of challenging moments that have constantly been part of our very existence in 25 years. Taxing our creative imaginations implies that necessity is the mother of invention to quote our National Chairman. We must subscribe the writings of Comrade Paul Biya when he admits that “democracy like other freedoms however is not a permanent conquest” end of quote. The price we must pay therefore is eternal vigilance; we must remain as militants of Fako III at all times in this connection with the Biblical injunction “do unto others as you will love them to do unto you”.
As we celebrate 25 years, we should fold our sleeves and prepare for the next political dispensation; we should convince where others seek to conquer. It has to be live and let’s live. Those of us in leadership positions should know we are standing on the shoulders of the common militants to survive and not transform the grass roots militants of the CPDM to the proverbial man at the banks of the River Nile who uses sputum to wash his face.
There should be no place in a country so richly endowed with natural and human resources like Cameroon is, for poverty and misery. We of the CPDM because we must lead, should light candles wherever there is darkness and stop blaming darkness; we should fashion destiny and not wait for it; we should tell others at all times that there are no gains without pains; we should tell others to love their country for there is not prescription for a country no one loves.
Distinguished Guests, Fellow Militants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I encourage you to renew your loyalty and attachment to the CPDM under the distinguished leadership of a reliable and true leader H.E PAUL BIYA, a gracious human being.
Let me seize this opportunity as the Section President of Fako III entrusted with the wishes and aspirations of every militant in Fako III to courageously and convincingly without the slightest hesitation reiterate the call for H.E PAUL BIYA to present his distinguished candidature for the next presidential elections.
Finally, while thanking you all for your commitment and dedication, I extend best wishes of the seasons and congratulations for your loyalty and sacrifices towards the growth of the party and the nation. To all of you from CPDM, WCPDM and YCPDM at the Section, Sub-Sections, Branches and Cells, you can be divided like the branches of the tree at any time, but I urge you to be united like the tree itself on issues of mutual concern and benefit for the good of Buea and our nation as a whole.
By the grace of God and the wishes of the people, we look forward to a great end and great moments in the years ahead.
Long live the Fako III Section.
Long live the CPDM Party and the National Chairman.
Long live the Republic of Cameroon.
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