The public lecture,which held in the Women's Hall of Nkwen Baptist Center,brought together a cross-section of the inquisitive Bamenda Public- especially journalists and women.
The Bamenda talk came after same was delivered in the Cameroonian towns of Douala,Buea and limbe ,recently.
Chief A.S Ngwana was assisted by other pro-lifers such as Peter Nsanda Eba,a retired university lecturer and William Nforba of the Family life Office of the Arch Diocese of Bamenda.
Following is the presentation by Chief A.S Ngwana on April 27,2010 in Bamenda
The gravity of the situation is that they are being promoted by powerful “Population Controllers.” Unfortunately they are spearheaded by the United Nations and it’s organs, (UNPFA, WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, and IMF), the American Government of Obama/Clinton, USAID and the European Union. They use powerful NGOs like IPPF(International Planned Parenthood Federation), some corrupt or ignorant governments and other organizations. They even use coercion and deceit. The aims and reasons of the population controllers are many and diverse. Some are economic, eugenics and political, others are the destruction of the family, traditional and moral values, and others are downright satanic. With almost unlimited money and power, they hope to achieve their global objectives, but they forget that God never loses a battle.
Most of the condoms used in Africa are made from latex rubber from Cameroon or Nigeria. Latex is the milky fluid (sap) from a rubber tree, which after vulcanization yields soft flexible rubber. The latex rubber condom was first manufactured about 170 years ago.
The latex condom was manufactured as a contraceptive for the prevention of pregnancy, by preventing the human sperm passing through to fertilize the egg. (see size in diagram above.)
The condom was not manufactured against the HIV/AIDS virus which only appeared in 1981.
Electron micrographs reveal voids (holes) in latex condoms 5 microns in size, (50 times the size of the HIV/AIDS virus)
The AIDS virus is 50 times smaller than these tiny holes which make it easy for virus to pass through them, about as easy as a rat through a fence to keep out cows.
Condoms create a false sense of security (they are not foolproof and have shown a failure rate of 10 to 20%) And may cause an increase in sexual activity or less careful choice of partners.
The Lancet published in Jan. 2000 the results of a research by London University Medical school, which showed that condom promotion could lead to an increase in AIDS. A University of Maimi Medical School Study, which used live couples to test HIV transmission, found “that 3 out of 10 women whose husbands are HIV positive and were always using a fresh condom for each intercourse, contracted AIDS Related Complexes (ARC) in an 18 month period”
The biggest condoms manufacturer, Durex, have stated clearly on their website that condoms do not stop the spread of AIDS
Condoms in fact promote the spread of AIDS for the following reasons: Condoms promote promiscuity. Promiscuity by its very nature, promotes the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and infections: once a sexually transmitted pathogen enters a promiscuous population, infection spreads like wildfire because the saying goes thus: if you sleep with someone who slept with someone who has slept with someone, you have slept with all.
Condoms prevent pregnancies and therefore stall population growth.
Condoms promote the Spread of AIDS which kill people thereby reducing the growth of the population.
The main purpose of condoms is to stop pregnancies. Prior to the wide use of condoms people controlled themselves for fear of unwanted pregnancies. Married people spaced out their children by using natural birth control methods. Girls married as virgins. With the promotion of condoms the fear of pregnancies disappeared and people became promiscuous. On the arrival of the HIV/AIDS in 1981, the promoters of population control saw this as an opportunity to control the African population. They lied that condoms stop the HIV/AIDS virus, just as it does with the sperm cell. This lie has caused Africa a great loss. Africa South of the Sahara, has 76% of all HIV/AIDS infected people in the world. The promoters of condoms know very well that condoms do not stop HIV/AIDS but rather promote the spread of HIV/AIDS, so they have decided to flood the Continent with free condoms, in order to infect and kill as many people as possible to stop the African population growth. The UNFPA and other interested NGOs are leading this onslaught on Africa. Free Condoms not free malaria tablets. The manufacturers and promoters of condoms are in big business.
Their agents concentrate on students and shamelessly advertise condoms on TV and the media. They kill our children physically and morally.
Parents must educate their children on the deadly effects of condoms and of their spiritual disaster. The surest way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS is ABSTINENCE before marriage and FIDELITY after marriage. Good African Governments must ban or control the distribution of condoms. If they cannot ban them, then they should impose a 500% duty on condoms. The more Condoms we import the higher the rate of HIV/AIDS infection. Even the HIV/AIDS rate has increased in Cameroon with the supply of more condoms.
Governments should invest in families and encourage couples to have at least 5 children. Our population will grow fast, our economic development accelerated and Cameroon will grow rich.
Economic development is by people for people. Where there are no people, there is no economic development. Condoms and abortion stall population growth and where there is no population, there is no development.
For mainly political, eugenic and economic reasons some organizations and countries want to stop the growth of the populations of the developing countries, especially the growth of the African Population.
Scientific evidence and experience show that a decreased use of condoms also results in a decrease number of HIV/AIDS infections. IN Countries like Uganda, Ugandans infected with HIV/AIDS plunged from 21% in 1991 to 6% in 2002, applying the doctrine of FIDELITY AND ABSTINENCE, Kenya and Thailand also experienced that a decreased use of condoms resulted in a decrease of AIDS infections. The more condoms supplied to Africa, the higher the AIDS rates. Even the AIDS rate has increased in Cameroon with the supply of more condoms. Between 1992 and 2001 condom supplies here increased from 6 million to 15 million – while HIV prevalence tripled, from 3% to 9%.
Condoms promote casual sex, casual sex increases unwanted pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies encourage abortions.
Abortion is a crime punishable under section 337 of the Cameroon penal Code.
Abortion is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”
Abortion is against African culture and traditions.
Abortion is against Divine Positive Law. “Thou shall not kill”
Abortion is against our population growth, we remain under populated, undeveloped and poor.
Abortion is morally wrong, criminally punishable, Economically destructive and is a spiritual disaster
Cameroon with all its immense natural resources, has a density of only 40 people per km2, with an income per capita of $2,300.
France has a density of 114 people per km2, with an income per capita of $32,700.
Germany has a density of 236 people per km2, with an income per capita of $46,350,
Great Britain has a density of 250 people per km2, with an income per capita of $45,731.
Japan has a density of 336 people per km2, with an income per capita of $43,170. (2007)
Singapore has a density of 7,023 people per km2, with an income per capita of $39,500.
Monaco has a density of 16,923 people per km2, with an income per capita of $30,000
The majority of developed countries are suffering from population decline with the increasing problem of population ageing, and are doing everything possible to increase their population growth.
Why should we allow any person or countries to deceive us and try to stop our population growth under pressure or lies.
Mrs. Hilary Clinton has declared that “the full force of the US Government will be used to get governments to change their laws on abortion all over the world”. In Canada on April 5 she went further to declare that reproductive heath or family planning includes abortion and contraception. That is not all, in Washington on Monday this month, U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton vowed to fight for the rights of homosexuals. (men sexing men and women sexing women). Homosexuality is an abomination for which God wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah from the face of the earth. Abortion and Homosexuality are criminal acts in Cameroon and we shall consider any person or country trying to corrupt our morals or stall our population growth as very unfriendly. Such people want us to remain unpopulated undeveloped, poor and ungodly.
Before, divorce was forbidden, adultery was an offence, abortion was an offence, contraceptives were forbidden, homosexuality was an offence, suicide was forbidden, euthanasia was forbidden. Prostitution, bestiality, necrophilia, paedophilia, pornography, and incest were forbidden, today most of them are legalized or allowed by many countries.
There are billions of good God-fearing people in Europe, America and throughout the world, they must rise up against the few misguided or evil people who manipulate public opinion, and control most of the governments of the world. We cannot be indifferent to the destruction of marriage, the family and the sanctity of life. We must rise up to defend them. The choice is between Good or Evil, Light or Darkness, Life or Death, God or Satan. GOD MUST REIGN.
Chief A.S. Ngwana,
National Chairman, Cardinal Democratic Party
Tel (237) 77757173
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