
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Call to All Cameroonians: No Federation, No Unification !

By Chief A.S Ngwana*
Chief A.S. Ngwana
We, British Southern Cameroonians, who voted on the 11th of February 1961, unanimously voted for unification on the condition that we would be granted Independence by the United Nations on the condition that we would join the Republic of Cameroon as a Federal State, to form a Federal United Republic of Cameroon. 

 The Federal Republic of Cameroon consisted of two states, the State of West Cameroon (English Speaking) and the State of East Cameroon (French Speaking)
 Thus, the Federal Republic of Cameroon consisted of two equal States. 

 In 1972, Ahidjo ‘illegally and unconstitutionally’ abolished the Federal Republic of Cameroon. He ignored the Foumban Agreement, and conducted a fake and illegal referendum, in which the majority of the French Speaking Cameroonians voted unanimously to abolish the Federal Republic Cameroon.

 The Federal Republic of Cameroon was instituted by the United Nations. The British Southern Cameroons was to attain Independence by joining the Republic of Cameroon in a Federal United Republic of Cameroon.

 Therefore a referendum can only be legally conducted by Southern Cameroonians, to decide whether they want to abolish the Federal Republic of Cameroon or not.
 But Ahidjo used the majority of the French Speaking Cameroonians to abolish the Federation. The French Speaking Cameroonians control eight (8) provinces while the English Speaking Cameroonians control just two(2 )provinces. 

 Only Southern Cameroonians voted for unification, and only they can decide in any referendum whether they want any unification or Federalism. The Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria did not vote.

 Since the abolition of the Federal Republic of Cameroon, Southern Cameroonians have been in hell. The woes are imaginable. The Kumba /Mamfe road closed, the Nkambe road closed. Name them all. The air ports, the sea ports closed, the Marketing Board, the Cameroon Bank closed, etc.

 President of Cameroon has always been a French Speaking Cameroonian.(Ahidjo/Biya,), all the important Ministers are all (Francophone s,) name them all.
  We insist that Southern Cameroonians from now should not be treated as second class citizens or colonized people.

 The last Municipal and Parliamentary Elections  that held in September will be the last elections conducted in Cameroon, under the present situation. The next elections, will be conducted under the New Federal Republic of Cameroon, (Municipal, Parliamentary, Gubernatorial, Senatorial and Presidential Elections will be conducted on the same day)
 The New Federal Republic of Cameroon will be sworn in on January 2017. Or, Cameroon will cease to exist as we know it now.

No Federal Republic of Cameroon. No Unification.
 We implore Our Lord and His Mother to come to our rescue.
 *Chief A.S. Ngwana, is National Chairman, Cardinal Democratic Party (CDP), (Formerly Cameroon Democratic Party (CDP), with headquarters in Douala

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