By Yangange
Martin Wose*

Others have
called our Lord
Ancient of Days,
Elohin ,Yeweh, Jehovah Jiereh, Jehovah
Nisi, Elshadai, Mokonzi,
Zambe, Nkosi, and
Father of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. Biblical books
are superfluous in descriptions on some
of this issues
which confirm the
abstract infinite knowledge
of the realm of God Almighty.
In our
time, there are
several men of God and so
many denominations dispersed
in all continents of
the world. I might
not be in
a position to
determine and even
discuss their practices as
men of God
in respect of
the scriptures they profess.
Africans mostly fall amongst the peoples
of the world
who have had teachings
and education about
Christianity from their
colonial peers. I dare say we
have no
option on this
matter because it came
side by side with colonialism , politics
and economics. Our issue
here is Christianity and one grew
up to see Jesus Christ in books as a white man.
The Jews
are white and there is
no problem about
colour though detractors may use
that as a fact to
give Christianity a negative
imperialist outfit. Whatever
the negatives Christianity extols concrete values like other religious bodies
with some variations. Therein , we
find values like
peace, love and justice
for all men.
These values constitute the
basis for all
humanity’s sustainable effort s
which the
whole world emulates
. The coming
of prophet T. B. Joshua
is worth- emulating
when a birds-eye-view is pecked on the
SCOAN, Emmanuel TV and
the outreach including Anointing
Water and Stickers .
The Miracles
that have been
happening at the
SCOAN , Synagogue Church Of All Nations
have been accompanied
by testimonies of the
very beneficiaries from
so many countries
all over the world and from
amongst all the
races of the
world. The Television
has never been
known to make
caricatures of men
in such diversity
and quantum thus
confirming this as true.
Wonderful happenings
have taken place
far beyond the borders
of Nigeria in this
connection .
A man was
shipwrecked in Delta
State and by supernatural
effort held a
jug to his
body and on him
was anointing water
and a sticker
. The jug kept
him afloat scientifically
but how he
sustained the grip
on the jug for
three days on the cold
wide Atlantic ocean
with such consternation is a
matter for the Holy
spirit. Cures for
chronic sores and highly disenabling
ailments have achieved
on - the - spot solutions by
prayers and intervention of the
Holy Spirit.
Ghanaian girl died
and came back
to life because
a recorded Mass
Prayer recorded on her phone
was replayed to her
ear. When she
revived she confessed
having seen Prophet Joshua on her
bed side. People
from all continents of
the world have
received deliverance, breakthrough
and blessings through prayers.
If all kinds
of people amongst almost all the
races of the
world come to
a prophet, and if
all of
them receive their hearts’
desires by faith,
then it must
be certain that
the Lord God
has decided to send
his servant, a likely
flag bearer of our
lord Jesus Christ.
In our time Prophet
Joshua has attached
elaborate charity to
his works and
he donates food
and money to as
many under -privileged people as he
can touch. In short Charity is a major feature of His Ministry.
There is no room for detractors
today. The Word of God is happening in
Africa. To buttress
this argument there is
a black US
president(Barack Obama) and Madiba
Nelson Mandela(first-ever democratically elected black South African President-now late) has arguably been
the most popular
human being of this century. Pope
Francis and Prophet
Joshua have the
same position on the
beleaguered Syria.
My proposal is
very simple. Any
Thomas on this
issue will have to prove the contrary. In any
case, the world
has accepted the
fact that colour
in not a barrier and
the prophet himself
in his lavish
mass prayer calls out ‘
Touch the screen wherever you
are , where can you go
from his
presence…’ and you
will have deliverance,
breakthrough by faith.
is located at
Ekotun in downtown Lagos.
When I visited it,
I noticed a
chapel of wondrous
capacity perhaps a
stadium capacity, filled
to its tether and an
overflow congregation out in
massive canopies ; if put together
would outnumber the interior
membership- and even
then packed to
capacity. Men and women
of all nations keep a gushing
incessant traffic like
the Atlantic ocean
taking positions for an unintended tsunami.
Long live Prophet T.B.Joshua and
the Synagogue Church of All
NB: Yangange Martin Wose is a Cameroonian Freelance journalist
and Fellow, London School of Journalism Email:
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