Cameroon will celebrate its Reunification Golden
Jubilee this year in Buea.Ahead of that celebration, The Recorder Editor
Christopher Ambe caught up with the Mayor of Buea for an exclusive interview.
Excerpts below:
Mr. Lord Mayor, Buea has been pronounced as the host of Cameroon’s
reunification golden jubilee, what challenges are you faced with now?
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Mayor Charles Mbella Moki |
The up-keep of our municipality and the preparation of our
population towards hosting an event of this magnitude is a great challenge.
That would entail enhancing the infrastructure of this town.
Of course, creating enabling environment that will provide
the conducive atmosphere for every activity to take place within the context of
the Buea spirit-that of Legendary Hospitality.
I must say that it
will require a lot of resources-which resources are not available at our level;
So we look up to the Central government,
the Central Organizing Committee of the jubilee and well-wishers -who are going
to make contributions to ensure that we live up to expectations.
We have another aspect which has to do with the putting in
place of all of what is the entire story of reunification. We intend to harness
all the available resource and avenues that are connected to our reunification
in one way or the other, so that the out come of the event should reflect the
true story of reunification. That way it will warrant the authorities that be
to a make a comparison of what had existed before as a government here and what was over the Mungo as a government and then see
how to merge what is good from both entities so as to come out with a good
Cameroonian example.
It is about one month since the Head o State announced Buea as venue of
the golden Jubilee. So far, what have you done?
A lot is being done. We have held several meetings with the
departments of Government especially those concerned with the development of
the road infrastructure, electricity and water supply infrastructure of the
town. We have indentified a number of projects that are necessary for the
success of this event; we have documented all the items and addressed to the
appropriate quarters. We pray and hope that, there will be a quick and positive
response to our requests. Also, we have been sensitizing our population through
interviews; statements are made and meetings held almost in the entire region
including some interactions we had in Bamenda two weeks ago. We think that
information is spreading and the explanations are well-received by the
population concerned.
We want to use this opportunity to thank the press-public
and private, print and audio-visual for their journalistic contributions to
this event. I should add that their contributions will not go unrewarded. We
remain grateful to them.
It is understood that this golden jubilee will enhance the infrastructural
development of Buea. Can you consider this event to be hosted by Buea as one of
your successes as two-term mayor?
Well, I wouldn’t say that. I leave that with the population
to judge. All I know is that, I did my work. I became the spokesman of the
people who elected me. I merely assumed my responsibility and we were able to
work together in a very coordinated manner to register our requests at the
appropriate time and at the right quarters. By the Grace of God the response
came in an appropriate manner and at an appointed time. We have expressed our
gratitude to the Head of State who in his magnanimity decided to extend this opportunity
to Buea to host the nation and friend s of Cameroon
If as a consequence of all what we said and did the event
has come, then I want to give the credit to the people of Buea in particular
and Cameroonians of good faith in general.
Recently you announced your plan to stand reelection as Mayor of Buea. What
pushed you to announce your ambition to seek another mandate so earlier- even
before the reorganization of your party (CPDM) organs?
Let me correct you to say that, I said I was not yet ready
to quit as mayor of Buea.I have not yet clearly pronounced my ambition for the
office of Mayor of Buea.There is still much time by my reckoning; which time
requires that I complete my mandate and conduct an evaluation of my performance.
However, I am quite optimistic and confident
that we have done a good job-judging from the responses registered from
various quarters.
We are very satisfied with the collaboration of our
population and dedication of our councilors; we have and will continue to be
graceful to God that at an appointed time we were able to work in a certain
community in a manner that brought happiness and satisfaction to the
Let me put ask the question this
way: You are said to be Man of the People, now if the people say, “Mr .Mbella
Moki stand for reelection (again) this year as Mayor of Buea”, would you accept
Until they make that call. That should be the people’s call.
If it comes -and as some one who shares the concerns of my population ,and as
someone who has had the mastery of the leadership of this conscious community I will think over it, consult with my informed
advisers and seek the approval of God,sothat it should be a holistic response
to the desires of my people.
Don’t you think you have done your best during these two terms to give
way to other hopefuls?
Let them come up!! The contest is open to everybody. And I
would be very happy to hand over to someone Buea people trust. That should be
someone who can continue with people-oriented development projects, continuing from
where we ended.
Mind you, I have had a few signals from certain individuals
who are inordinately ambitious in becoming the Mayor of Buea or taking over the
party leadership from me here in Buea.Up to now that I am talking to you, I
don’t think they possess what it takes to lead the CPDM in Fako 3 or manage the
Buea Council.
The management of the party or the council is not just for
people who think that because Mbella Moki is there, they too can be there.
Leadership requires a lot of qualities such as humility, foresight, competence and
selflessness. It requires level-headedness, maturity and the fear of the Lord;
it requires vigor; of course, the job is not that of retired people; it is NOT
a job done through insults and in off-licenses; it is NOT the job done from
back-stabbing, character assassination and witch-hunting.
Leadership is a job for refined minds and those who have
people at heart. It is not for greedy people.
I think that we have taken the council to heights that have
to be maintained or improved upon. We are conscious of the fact that as our
goals and vision are enlarged so it is that the concerns of those who love Buea
continue to be registered, warranting anybody in leadership in Buea to be
level-headed, to be conscious of community needs and lead from the heart, with
a human touch. That is what Buea needs.
Which are some of your achievements you consider so striking?
First of all, you know that we have strategically managed
the council in Buea for almost ten years here, bringing in stakeholders in Buea
to participate in the development of our local communities. We are happy that
never before has it been registered either in the Council or the party that we
-as a community- attained the level of consciousness, involvement, development
and participation that we are witnessing in Buea today. Therefore, if I want to
look back I will first of all underscore the extent to which we managed to
bring everybody on board-first in approach to management. We did ordinary things in an extra-ordinary manner; we invested in
human capital development of our population by investing in the education of
out youth and the training of our population through seminars and workshops. We
created an enabling environment for all in the municipality to be part of the
council institution. We have engaged in the economic empowerment of our
populations and conducted a vigorous fight against poverty and unemployment.
The labor force of the council has tremendously increased and we have provided
support to students, widows and the underprivileged. We are comforted that we brought
satisfaction to these segments of the community. We inherited a council that
had a history of debts; we reduced the debt burden and cleared all salary
arrears of the workers. And as I speak to you now the council doesn’t owe any worker.
We have computerized and modernized the council management, hooked it up to the
internet-socially networking with institutions world-wide.
We are erecting a new and befitting council office building
and other economic structures such as markets. We have greatly improved on the
hygienic conditions of the municipality by waging a war against environmental
degradation .We have brought for the first time a noted garbage collection,
management and disposal company, HYSACAM ,to Buea, which has created employment
for over 100 Cameroonians.
These are just some of the things we have done for our
community and popularized our council in several domains, winning respect from
Government, and partners nationally and internationally.
I can’t present all we have done in an interview like this.But
if we want to conduct an assessment on our performance indicators we will
certainly have pass marks.
You fought hard for Buea to host the Reunification Golden Jubilee, and Buea
has been chosen. But some people think that you may not be lucky to witness the
celebration of this big event in your capacity as mayor; that you may be voted
out of office if municipal elections come before the Jubilee celebration. How
will you feel if this comes true?
Before I get to that, let me say that we have placed the Buea
Council at a level where the council is admired by the Government and
leadership of this country. And, of course, the international community. That
is why we sit on the board meetings of distinguished state corporations and
associated to high-profile committees that are regulatory and executive
agencies of Government. We enjoy a privileged position in the gathering of mayors,
and out of the country in the world conference of Mayors and Association of
African Municipalities and Councils, and the Commonwealth Local government Councils.
We enjoy a place for Chinese Association for Friendship with Local Governments.
Having said that, we want to imagine that we have a balance
sheet which the people of Buea can be Proud of; not me Mbella Moki.But you know
when you attain a level like this, many become jealous of it and develop
interest for it. That is why Chinua Achebe said “when the sun is shining even
the lame would want to walk”
Coming back to your question, it is true that some
detractors have taken delight saying nasty things or writing falsehood about
the Mayor of Buea. But one proponent of
good and objective journalism said “Let truth and falsehood meet in the market
place of ideas”. I am comforted by that statement.
As Mayor of Buea what is your position about what has become the Muea
market imbroglio? I mean the controversy about rescheduling the Muea Market
Permit me to use this opportunity to clarify mathers. I am
an elected, not appointed mayor. I am responsible to council in session. I have
to render an account to that session anytime. Councils in session had resolved
that an ad hoc committee study the matter. That committee has not even been
formed; here comes the saga of the Muea Imbroglio.
It would not be correct and as a matter of principle and in
keeping with Anglo-Saxon tradition for me to make a statement now; I am not
expect to make a statement on the matter until I receive the findings the ad
hoc committee. So nobody except my supervisory authority-the SDO for Fako,is
competent to talk about the matter. And so far as the law is concerned, the SDO
can only talk after consulting us to know the reality on the ground; which
reality was expressed through a council deliberation to be transmitted to him.
It is just a matter of time and the council’s findings and the outcome of the
ad hoc committee will present to the public what is relevant for the economic
development of our community and the provision of services that the market has
and those who depend on it.
Do you foresee the CPDM again winning the Buea Council this year with
or without you at the fore front?
Well, the CPDM can always remain as a leading party in Buea
because the people agree with the party in various dimensions. It is a party
that is respected and has brought a lot of good to this community.
I think it still well-placed to win in coming political
consultations. That does not mean that its leadership here is eternal. It has
to be sustainable in the management of its activities and having the right
people at the decision-making of its activities.
But when the party is allowed to be infiltrated by people
who have nothing to show or who are short of productive ideas, people who are
afraid of their own shadows, people who don’t possess the elements of trust,
and people who are committed only to self-enrichment, people who delight in
dividing what has been put together in this party as a jurisdiction, then that
will spell the doom of the party.
But as I earlier said, we are in a position to direct the
party to victory for a long time. The party has so much to rely on –lots of
talents. It is a mass party. We will make sure that the leadership of the party
here are serious people; people who can deliver and ensure that the party
maintains its leadership position; people who must be able to light candles
where and when there is darkness -and
not those who blame darkness.
Almost ten years in office as mayor. How has it been?
It has been a vey challenging period for me; very exciting
and enriching as well. I am thankful to God that through His Grace and Guidance
I have been able to manage and direct the affairs of this council alongside
people of goodwill, the people of Buea, the elected councilors and the
collaborators of the council in the Council administration.
That we can find many people who testify that we touched
their lives positively in one way or the other, I am happy. That within this
period under review, Buea has witnessed tremendous growth and there is an
atmosphere that makes for the expansion and evolution of our city, we should
all be proud.
(First Published in The RECORDER newspaper, Cameroon.)
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