
Monday, January 9, 2012

Cameroon population must grow quickly (Part 4)

                                                  By Chief A.S. Ngwana*
Population Controllers please note! God did not ask any of us whether he or she wanted to be born as a man or woman. God decided to create you as a man or as a woman according to what He wanted you to achieve as a Human Being, for His honor and glory. He created you so that you can perform the specific duties of your state. He instilled different organs in a man and a woman. He specifically created the reproductive organs of a man different from those of a woman. God blessed the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, saying to them, “Be fruit, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it” God gave Adam and Eve a free will and reasoning faculties, guided by a (well formed or badly formed) conscience to know what is good or bad. Individuals must decide by themselves according to their individual circumstances when and how to fulfill God’s commandment “to multiply, fill the earth, and conquer it”

Jesus Christ was born about 2011 years ago in a remote village called Bethlehem, a town in Judaea, in Palestine a Roman colony, when Quirinius was governor of Syria in the reign of Emperor Caesar Augustus. The Jews were the only people in the whole world who believed in one God while others worshiped many Gods. Jesus Christ tried to correct their errors in the Mosaic Law but they refused. In His famous “Sermon on the Mount”(Mt 5-6), Jesus Christ taught mankind how to live correctly. “You must love your neighbor as yourself and you must love God with all your heart.” He came to reveal to mankind the universal love of God. God loves all men, and He wants all men to love Him. He  established a Church and appointed Simon Peter as its Head. 
He was arrested by the Jews for blasphemy for He said He was the Son of God. He was condemned and crucified under Pontus Pilate, about the year AD 33. He proved His divinity by rising on the third day before He ascended to heaven. His followers were called Christians and are still called Christians today. Simon Peter transferred his Head Quarters to Rome the Roman Capital-“All Roads Lead To Rome”.  Simon Peter the first Head of the Church (Pope) was martyred by the Romans in Rome. 

The Roman Emperors tried to exterminate the church but failed, instead Rome became the Head Quarters of the Church. From Rome the Church grew very fast into the whole Europe. The whole Europe was Christianized, and the Pope became the most powerful spiritual and temporal man in Europe. He crowned kings and emperors, and all European countries adopted Christian principles in their laws and practices. (The Pope is no longer a temporal ruler but only a spiritual ruler.) Polygamy was forbidden. They treated murder, manslaughter, abortion, euthanasia and suicide as serious crimes, punishable in some cases with the death penalty. Divorce was forbidden, adultery was forbidden, contraceptives were forbidden, homosexuality was forbidden, prostitution, bestiality, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, and pornography were all forbidden by law.

Europe extended these Christian laws and practices to their colonies in North and South America, India and Africa. So we find in 1873 where the U.S. Congress enacted  “Comstock Law”, which regulated public access to birth control devices, medicines, or information for the next 60 years. It was illegal to distribute any device (condoms etc) medicine or information designed to prevent conception, this was applicable even to physicians.
Christianity influenced the laws, practices and moral behaviors of not only Europe but the whole world. Christians today control one third of the world’s population, numbering nearly 2.34 billion people.

Today Population Controllers are determined to change all Divine laws, human laws, and moral practices and behaviors.
The discovery in the early 1950s by the American endocrinologist, Gregory Princus (1903-1967), that contraception could be reliably done by a pill containing female sex hormones, sparked off a revolution in contraception and revolutionized human sexual behavior.  The advent of the Pill ushered in the sexual revolution of the sixties and set the stage for uncontrollable changes.   What the sexual revolution and radical feminism promised was that the pursuit of freedom, sexual equality, sexual pleasure and the rejection of traditional morality would bring individual happiness and build a more truly human society.

“Reproductive rights” and “anti-birth ideology” spread rapidly under the umbrella of the U.N. and the European Union.  Anti-life groups and Governments took this up and started legalizing illegalities. Contraception was legalized, prostitution was legalized, abortion was legalized, homosexuality was legalized, euthanasia was legalized and suicide was legalized. Some countries legalized Divorce, adultery, bestiality, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, and pornography.  
When certain practices violet human dignity and the intrinsic nature of womanhood and motherhood, they produce psychological problems based on the denial of the truth about the human person.  It is true that Europe has advanced tremendously in science and technology, but it has unfortunately regressed in morals and ethics.

Population Controllers are bent on corrupting the world morally, spiritually, economically, financially and politically. Population Controllers are using the United Nations and its Agencies (UNFPA, WHO, UNESCO) and are using many World Governments which they control to promote their “Anti-Life Agenda”. Population Controllers are using their powerful rich friends and the International Planned Parenthood Federation and its multi- NGOs to achieve their ant-life goals. They are using money, lies, and half truths to promote their attacks on Life. Population Controllers have invented all sorts of arguments to show why human population should be controlled and reduced. Their real hidden agendas are mainly eugenic, economic, political and satanic.  Their greatest enemy is the Christian Religion. The Christian Religion teaches truths as revealed by God. But Population Controllers contradict all Gods Commandments. These are people who have succeeded to convince many governments in more than 93 countries to legalized abortion. China is one of their victims with the One Child Policy.

Population Controllers are concentrating all their energies on the destruction of the “Human Family Institution” The family is the original cell of social life. In the African context, the family includes the man and his wives, children, cousins, grand-parents, and close relations. In the European context, the family means only the nuclear family of a man and his wife and children. In the Christian context a man and a woman united in marriage for the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of their children forms a family.   In general, the family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. To destroy the family is to destroy the foundation of the human race.  Without families the human population cannot grow. Therefore Population Controllers spend billions of dollars and resources to promote artificial birth control.

NATURAL BIRTH CONTROLS are instilled by nature (the Creator Himself) in the human body so that the body can function correctly and naturally.
ARTIFICIAL BIRTH CONTROLS is an umbrella term for several techniques and methods used to prevent fertilization or to interrupt pregnancy at various stages. Artificial birth control techniques and methods include contraception (the prevention of fertilization), contragestion  (preventing the implantation of the blastocyst) and abortion (the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus). Contraception includes barrier methods, such as condoms or diaphragm, hormonal contraception, also known as oral contraception, and injectable contraceptives. Contragestives, also known as post-coital birth control, include intrauterine devices and what is known as the “morning after pill”.

Population Controllers must accept the truth that the world is not overpopulated.  Population Controllers must accept the fact that the present world population of 7 billion people can be contained in New Zealand’s smallest province or in the State of Texas in the Unites States of America, and still have room to sit down. The issue of feeding them, housing them and clothing them is entirely solvable with current technology.
Population Controllers must accept the fact that about half of the countries in the world (by UN and CIA ratings) are “Below Replacement Fertility” (the TFR rating is the minimum expected number of children born per woman in her child-bearing years which is 2.1 children, most countries are “Below Replacement Fertility” – 1.9 children.)  Population Controllers must know that the destructive “Contraceptive and Abortion Mentally” they tirelessly promoted is causing the human race a danger of extinction.

The population density of Russia is 8.3 people per square kilometer, the fertility of Russian women is 1.4 which is “Below Replacement Fertility”. Since 1985 the population of Russia has decreased by 5.2 million, prompting Prime Minister Valdimir Putin to say that “Without exaggeration, the central problem of contemporary Russia is demography, strengthening the family, [and] increasing the birth rate”. Most countries are attempting to stop their population decline. The declining and ageing populations are causing them serious economic problems. They are desperately trying to persuade women to have babies, even with cash incentives, they are not succeeding. Most countries with high population densities, are “Below Replacement Fertility”.
Singapore has 7,023 people per square kilometer, 1.09 children is below replacement fertility
South Korea has 487 people per square kilometer, 1.21 children is below replacement fertility  
Japan has 337 people per square kilometer, 1.21 children is below replacement fertility
Germany has 229 people per square kilometer, 1.41 children is below replacement fertility
Netherland has 399 people per square kilometer, 1.66 children is below replacement fertility
United Kingdom 254 people per square kilometer, 1.66 children is below replacement fertility etc,
while India with a population density of 357, people per square kilometer, 2.68 children is above replacement fertility, will overtake China, the most populous country in the world, with its one child policy, and 139 people per square kilometer, 1.79 children is below replacement fertility, as the most populous country in the world by the turn of the century.  Many women and men today have negative attitudes towards children, they think that children are inconvenient, expensive and, as a group, they are a threat to the environment.

Africans love children and consider children a gift from God. It is estimated that the African population will increase by 98% this century while the population of Europe will decrease by 6%. Population Controllers are not African friends, they do not want to see the African population grow. They do not want to see Africa develop and grow rich like the rest of the world. They pump in trillions of contraceptives, pills, condoms, birth control materials, and gargets to control our population growth. They are spending millions of dollars to try to corrupt African presidents and leaders to legalize abortion. They are spending millions of dollars to try to corrupt and influence various Ministers of Health, doctors and nurses, to promote “Reproductive Health and Artificial Birth Controls” using methods and gargets, especially Pills, female and male Condoms and other abortifacients which are against our population growth.

 Nigeria, Cameroon’s next door neighbor, has a population density of 167.5 people per square kilometer and a fertility rate of 5.32 children per woman, and is developing fast, by lips and bounds.     
Cameroon has a population density of 41 people per square kilometer and a fertility rate of 4.31 children per woman, and is developing  too slowly. In fact compared to other countries Cameroon has negative development. Our population must grow fast. Cameroon must develop quickly   


May God bless Cameroon.

*Chief A.S. Ngwana is National Chairman, Cardinal Democratic Party
BP 2401 Bonanjo, Douala,Cameroon

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