
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cameroon Population Must Grow Quickly

By Chief A.S Ngwana*

Chief Ngwana addressing reporters/file /The Recorder
YOU MUST NOT KILL”. The Cameroon Penal Code stipulates in section 275 that “whoever causes another’s death shall be punished with imprisonment for life”

Section 276 states that “(1) Whoever commits murder – (a) after premeditation or (b) by poisoning or (c} in the preparation,…Shall be punished with death.”

(ARTICLE 3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that `“Everyone has the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND SECURITY of person.” The first and most important right is the right to life. All other rights are depended on this – the right to life.

 Many countries have enacted the death penalty as a deterrent to murderers who are a security risk to the community. With modern maxim-security prisons, it is possible that in future, murderers will no longer be executed, but put away in these prisons for life where they cannot escape and be a threat to other humans. In fact many religious leaders and governments are campaigning seriously to abolish the death sentence. The idea is that some of these criminals may repent in prison.

 In the past the human population could not grow fast because of wars - genocidal wars, eugenic wars, tribal and ethnic wars. In the past human population could not grow fast because of Diseases and famines.

Today wars are controlled, Diseases are controlled and famines controlled. Famines exist because world food production is not equitably distributed. There is enough food for all humans, but because some countries have food piles and stocks others are starving.  Population controllers do not want to know that many countries in the world are worried about what effects their declining populations and the ageing problem is going to have on their economies. Replacement levels are dangerously low and each woman must have at least 2.1 children if the human race must survive. Many industrial countries are paying money etc to their women to have children but they are not succeeding. Their populations are below Replacement Levels.

“POPULATION CONTROLLERS” are bent to stop the growth of the human population at all costs.  Their target now is life itself. Humans must not increase and multiply, they must be killed at conception. Population controllers have as their global target - the “PROMOTION OF ABORTION”.  The American Government under Obama is spending millions if not billions of dollars to corrupt, buy or coarse governments over the world to change their laws on abortion.

 The Cameroon Penal Code article 337 states that it is a crime to commit abortion. Cannon Law treats abortion as a very serious crime. Can.1398 states that “A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae  sententiae  excommunication.”  That is, she/he is automatically excommunicated from the church.


Abortion is the deliberate killing of a Human Being after conception and before birth. Miscarriage  (or spontaneous abortion) is the accidental death of a Human Being after conception and before birth.

Science and religion agree that human life begins at conception, when the ovum (egg) is fertilized by the sperm. After conception, the Human Being is complete, and only grows. From conception the Human Being is only called different names as he or she develops.  He/she develops or grows from an embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, infant, boy or girl, man or woman and finally ends up as an old man or an old woman.

In abortion, a Human Being is deliberately deprived of his/her life before birth.  In the case of murder a Human Being is deliberately deprived of his/her life after birth. In both cases a Human Being is killed before or after birth.

 The 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the United Nations states that the child “needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth”, a principle, which is in keeping with a previous declaration by the World Medical Association to “maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception.”

The 1966 International Convention on Civil and Political Rights states that “sentence of death shall not be carried out on pregnant women, and that the express intention of this Article is inspired by consideration of the interest of the unborn child.”

 Abortion is a crime against natural law, abortion is a contravention of the UN Charter on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – “everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person”. Abortion is an abuse of the “Rights of the Child”.  Abortion is an abomination by African culture.  Abortion is a crime against humanity and cannot be justified

 Abortion is the most despicable, callous, heinous and inhuman method of killing. The child is killed by the very persons who are supposed to protect the innocent, harmless child - their parents and doctors. Think of the barbaric and brutal method called “partial-birth abortion”, usually performed in an advance state of pregnancy.  It allows a partial delivery before the baby is killed, in some cases using a small hammer or cudgel to crush the skull of the baby while still crying.

 Every year millions of children are killed by abortion, more than all the people killed during the two world wars, more than all the people killed in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars put together. More people die by abortion every year than they died during the slave trade. More people die by abortion every year than they have ever died through genocide. More people are killed every day by abortion  than they die by terrorism. More people die every day by abortion than they die from AIDS or malaria. In 2007 UNICEF reported that about 7,000 girls were killed in India every day by abortion. This year more than 4.5 million children were killed in Russia alone by abortion. Globally the figures of children killed yearly by abortion are frightening. 

 Now more than ninety Governments in the world, and even some UN agencies, have approved and legalized abortion-the killing of unborn children.  Population controllers are staging a relentless onslaught against the Human Race. The Human Race must not increase and multiply. Children must be killed before they are delivered – ABORTION.

 Developing countries need their expanding populations to develop quickly. Simplistic as it is, development is by people for people. Where there are no people there is no development. Development is for people. Abortion is the greatest hindrance to development.

 Cameroon must develop quickly. Our population must grow fast.

 May God bless Cameroon

*ChiefA.S.Ngwana is the National Chairman,Cardinal Democratic Party, with headquarters in Douala,Cameroon.

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