By Asonganyi Tazoacha
Early in his reign in Cameroon, Ahmadou
Ahidjo set aside the legislative arm of
government – Parliament – to rule by ordinance. The dozens of ordinances he
signed dealt with issues like state of emergency, military tribunals,
repression of subversion, etc. All the ordinances were meant to strengthen the
hand of the executive branch - the administration - to use the “law” to silence
the people. The ordinances: 1) instituted tight restraints on freedom of
expression and association, 2) allowed the security forces under the command of
administrative authorities to act with impunity, and arrest, torture and send
citizens to prison, 3) established new offenses termed “subversion” or
“rebellion” which all prohibited free expression of opinion, making it a crime
for anyone to oppose or criticize any government action. All this served to
intimidate those who might voice dissent. It set the stage for the dictatorial
one-man rule that characterized Ahidjo’s
With the
advent of Paul Biya in 1982, some cosmetic changes were made, resulting in the
1990 “liberty” laws, which were in effect the consecration of the overriding
dominance of the administration over the judiciary that the ordinances had
since established. As expected, the “liberty” laws did not work; freedom of
association (Law No. 90/053), and freedom to hold public meetings and
processions (Law No. 90/055) did not operate like in most democracies because
of the overbearing influence of administrative authorities. Maintenance of law
and order - arrest and detention of “bandits” (Law no. 90/054) - became
arbitrary arrest and detention of opposition and civil society militants. In general, the laws were not
different from the ordinances of Ahidjo of the 1960s because they were
‘promulgated’ at the pleasure of an individual or a cabal to serve personalised
power, and were equally repressive. “Working within the framework of the
law”became a singsong of the cabal.
The electoral process was of course
affected by the “freedom” laws. For example, during the rerun of parliamentary
elections in Nde Division in 2002, an SDF team led by me went to Nde Division
to monitor the elections. Filbert Etoundi was part of the team. We sent him to
head the sub-team to Tonga, and for reasons not very clear to us, he was
arrested on the morning of Election Day before the polls opened. Samuel
Tchwenko and I spent a good part of the morning struggling to get him released
from the Gendarmerie where he was locked up on the orders of the DO of Tonga.
This caused us to miss the crucial opening of polling stations. The DO caused
Etoundi’s arrest using powers vested in him by the law on the maintenance of
law and order. These administrative officials interpret “banditry,” and “law
and order” regulated by the law subjectively. They regularly invoke the law
before, during, and after elections to block the activities of opposition
political parties, to leave the field wide-open for the CPDM to score electoral
and other victories.
Further, the first council sessions
after the municipal elections are usually held in the presence of the SDOs who
preside over preliminary business until the oldest councillors are identified to chair the sessions. Following the 1996
Municipal elections in Yaoundé, the SDF shared the Yaoundé V (Essos) Council -
where I was residing - with the CPDM: the “official” results showed that the
SDF won 5 seats while the CPDM won 30, making 35 councillors since no party scored an absolute majority. On the day of
the first council session, instead of allowing the oldest councillor (SDF Councillor Père
Bebbey) to preside over the session, the SDO Ename Ename Samson took over the
session, read the 35 names on the council list of the CPDM, declared them
installed as Councillors of Yaoundé V Council, and asked them to proceed to elect
their executive. The 5 councillors
of the SDF were excluded with a wave of the hand of the SDO, and that was it!
No effort to change that “decision” during the 5 years of that Council yielded
any fruit.
A similar impunity occurred in
Yaoundé II (Tsinga-Mokolo-Madagascar…) after the 1996 elections. Following the
meeting of the Yaoundé II Council Supervisory Commission, the SDF was declared
winner of the Municipal elections in that council area. The minutes of the
meeting were signed by the members of the Commission and distributed to the
parties concerned. By law, that brought the role of the commission to an end.
Interestingly, twenty four hours later, the same SDO Ename Ename Samson
illegally convened another meeting of the Commission, claiming that the results
of a ballot box that had just been discovered were not taken into
consideration. Some members of the commission met again and added the votes and
of course, the results changed: the CPDM was the winner by absolute majority!
And so a second set of minutes was signed by those who attended the meeting,
and that became the “authentic” result of the 1996 Municipal elections in Yaoundé
In Yaoundé VI council, the SDF list
also won the 1996 elections, but the CDM produced concocted documents to say
that the Electoral District Chairman of the SDF, Tchoungi Marcel Owona who was
the head of the council list of the SDF was a CPDM militant! And so the SDF
list was rejected by a commission in which the CPDM was prosecutor, judge and
jury, after it was clear that the SDF had won! In the process, the
representative of the SDF in the Council commission was knocked down
unconscious to end his resistance. He only regained consciousness in the
“Sapeur Pompier” clinic in Mokolo. After all these electoral feats, Ename Ename
Samson was later promoted to the position of Secretary General of the National
In another act of ruthlessness in Alou
Council in Lebialem Division after the 2002 Municipal election, SDO Joseph Otto
Wilson reconvened the Council Commission to change its report in which the SDF
had been declared winner of the Council; with a doctored result sheet from a
certain “MohLah” polling station that arrived several days after the closing of
the polls, he caused the commission to write another report that declared the
CPDM winner of the Municipal election in Alou Council. This happened not
without the SDO ordering the Gendarmerie to brutalize, arrest, and detain many
cadres of the SDF. It was all going on under the watchful eyes of NEO officials
that allowed the SDO to have his way! The SDO was one of the governors meeting
in Yaounde recently to prepare for … the upcoming elections!
These brazen acts were legion in the
past. We can only hope that they are all history and can no longer be
re-enacted today, although we are reading in the press that some divisions in
the South region are “no-go” areas!
The Governors that met recently to
discuss the upcoming elections did so not under the impulsion of ELECAM, but of
the Ministry of territorial administration and decentralization. Overall, the
administration and other stakeholders should play a big role in ensuring
transparency of the electoral process. Administrative authorities, the bar
council, associations of journalists and their media houses, civil society
activists, religious leaders and others are all supposed to be fully involved
in ensuring transparency of the electoral process through providing and
promoting citizen engagement, voter education, citizen election monitoring
groups, media insights and perspectives, security plans around the elections,
etc. These are supposed to happen under the impetus of the Electoral commission
– ELECAM – at whose doorsteps the buck of electoral transparency ends. ELECAM
is supposed to be in synergy with all these stakeholders, and provide for the
election period, written and well publicized directives or working rules for
administrative officials, security services (police, gendarmes, etc.),
journalists, citizen election monitors, election observers, and others, so that
we can all work in harmony and deliver free and fair elections together.